Fig. 3.
Deficiency of C3 protects against severe COVID-19 in K18-hACE2 transgenic mice infected with an original SARS-CoV2 strain. A–C C3 deficient and sufficient mice expressing hACE2 under the control of the K18 promoter (C3−/−/K18-hACE2+/− and C3+/+/K18-hACE2+/−) aged 15 weeks with mixed-sex were infected with SARS-CoV-2-WA1 strain (n = 9/group, 5 females and 4 males per group) with 4 mice/group euthanized at 4 DPI and the others at 7 DPI. A Percent body weight changes. p-value = 0.0036 by two-way ANOVA, and B viral load of lung by qPCR showing no significance after infection. C Hemolytic activity of the infected C3−/−/K18-hACE2+/− and C3+/+/K18-hACE2+/− at 3 and 7 DPI using 8% diluted serum as the source of complement