Table 1.
First Author, Year, Reference No. | Article Title | Domains | Racial Comparisons | Measures of Structural Racism |
Agénor, 202187 | “Developing a database of structural racism–related state laws for health equity research and practice in the United States” | Electoral, judicial, carceral, immigration, housing, banking, education, policing | N/A | Typology of contemporary legal domains pertaining to state-level structural racism |
Allgood, 202131 | “Equal protection under the law: the measurement of structural racism and health disparities” | Environment, police exposure, residential segregation, school segregation | Black-White | Pre-post racialized event (a situation in which marginalized groups are more affected; vicarious exposure, ie, Flint Water Crisis Declaration); number of police encounters; index of dissimilarity; index of isolation; ICE (race) in census tract and in school |
Bell, 201928 | “Associations between obesity, obesogenic environments, and structural racism vary by county-level racial composition” | Socioeconomics | Black-White | County-level Black-White ratios for median income, percentage living below the poverty line, percentage who completed a 4-year college degree, percentage who were unemployed, and percentage who were homeowners. Split into quartiles (low, medium, medium-high, high) |
Bell, 202032 | “Self-rated health and structural racism indicated by county-level racial inequalities in socioeconomic status: the role of urban–rural classification” | Education, housing, economics | Black-White | Median income; percentage who completed a 4-year college degree; percentage who were unemployed; percentage among Black people and non-Hispanic White people who were homeowners; dissimilarity index |
Bishop-Royce, 202133 | “Structural racism, socioeconomic marginalization, and infant mortality” | Socioeconomic segregation | Black-White | ICE |
Blanco, 202134 | “The impact of residential segregation on pancreatic cancer diagnosis, treatment, and mortality” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Index of dissimilarity |
Blebu, 201972 | “An examination of preterm birth and residential social context among Black immigrant women in California, 2007–2010″ | Residential context, segregation | Black immigrants | Neighborhood co-ethnic density (the proportion of foreign-born Black people per total tract population), Black racial concentration as the proportion of Black residents (per total tract population) in each tract for segregation, neighborhood deprivation index |
Brown, 202035 | “Structural factors and racial disparities in severe maternal morbidity: an examination of state- level indicators of structural racism and severe maternal morbidity among Black and White persons in the U.S., 2009–2011” | Criminal justice, political participation, education, and employment | Black-White | Criminal justice: the incarcerated proportion of the state’s adult population. Political participation: the proportion of the state’s citizen population registered to vote, and the proportion of the state’s citizen population who voted. Education: the proportion of the state’s population aged 25 years or older with a bachelor’s degree or higher, and the state’s 4-year adjusted cohort high school graduation rate. Each measure was constructed separately for the state’s Black and White populations. |
Butler, 202065 | “Generational impacts of 1930s housing discrimination and the imperative need for the healthy start initiative to address structural racism” | Housing | Black | HOLC assessed categories and redlining. |
Chambers, 202066 | “Exposures to structural racism and racial discrimination among pregnant and early post-partum Black women living in Oakland, California” | Socioeconomic segregation | Black | ICE (race plus income) |
Chambers, 201936 | “Using index of concentration at the extremes as indicators of structural racism to evaluate the association with preterm birth and infant mortality–California, 2011–2012” | Residential segregation | Black-White | ICE (race; income; race plus income) |
Chantarat, 202137 | “The intricacy of structural racism measurement: a pilot development of a latent- class multidimensional measure” | Housing, education, socioeconomics | Black-White | Dissimilarity index, disproportional index for education, employment, and ownership, ICE (income). |
Collin, 202038 | “Neighborhood-level redlining and lending bias are associated with breast cancer mortality in a large and diverse metropolitan area” | Redlining, banking | Black-White | Redlining, lending bias |
Diaz, 202139 | “Association of historic housing policy, modern day neighborhood deprivation and outcomes after inpatient hospitalization” | Housing | Black-White | HOLC assessment |
Dougherty, 202027 | “Measuring structural racism and its association with BMI” | Education, housing, employment, criminal justice, health care | Black-White | Housing dissimilarity index; school dissimilarity index; ratios of Black-White high school graduates, incarceration, poverty, primary care, and ambulatory care |
Dyer, 202140 | “The index of concentration at the extremes (ICE) and pregnancy-associated mortality in Louisiana 2016–2017” | Socioeconomic, housing segregation | Black-White | ICE (race plus income) |
Dyer, 201967 | “Mass incarceration and public health: the association between Black jail incarceration and adverse birth outcomes among Black women in Louisiana” | Housing | Black | HOLC assessment, ICE (income, homeownership) |
English, 2021,41 | “Intersecting structural oppression and Black sexual minority men’s health” | Residential segregation, incarceration, education, economics | Black-White | State racism index, Human Rights Campaign’s 2018 state equality index |
Farhad, 202142 | “Association between disparities in intergenerational economic mobility and cause-specific mortality among Black and White persons in the United States” | Economics | Black-White | Economic mobility gap |
Fernandez-Esquer, 202173 | “Structural racism and immigrant health: exploring the association between wage theft, mental health, and injury among Latino day laborers” | Economics | Latino | Wage theft |
Graetz, 202130 | “Historical redlining and contemporary racial disparities in neighborhood life expectancy” | Housing, education | Black-White | Census tract–level HOLC redlining grades; county-level total urban renewal projects; school segregation at the district-level; ICE (race, class); tract-level home values; tract-level race-class segregation |
Hollenbach, 202143 | “Associations between historically redlined districts and racial disparities in current obstetric outcomes” | Redlining | Black-White | HOLC assessment |
Homan, 202144 | “Structural intersectionality as a new direction for health disparities research” | Structural intersectionality (racism plus sexism) across economic, educational, judicial, political, and segregation | Black-White | Ratios (Black people to White people) of the following: incarceration; disproportionate level of disenfranchisement of Black people; proportion with a bachelor’s degree; unemployed rate; poverty rate; proportion who are homeowners; proportion who voted in 2008; and level of Black peoples’ political underrepresentation in state legislatures; state-level dissimilarity index (Black-White) of residential segregation |
Houghton, 202145 | “Firearm Homicide Mortality is Influenced by Structural Racism in US Metropolitan Areas” | Residential segregation, socioeconomics | Black-White | Dissimilarity index, percentage of the metropolitan area that is Black, population density, poverty rates, measures of educational attainment, crime rates, and a measure of state firearm legislation strength |
Ibragimov, 202168 | “Police killings of Black people and rates of sexually transmitted infections: a cross-sectional analysis of 75 large US metropolitan areas, 2016″ | Policing | Black | Number of police killings of non-Hispanic Black people in 2015 |
Janevic, 202146 | “Racial and economic neighborhood segregation, site of delivery, and morbidity and mortality in neonates born very preterm” | Residential segregation | Black-White | ICE (race plus income) |
Kihlström and Kirby, 202129 | “We carry history within us: anti-Black racism and the legacy of lynching on life expectancy in the U.S. South” | Direct violence/lynching | Black | Population adjusted rate of historic lynching 1877–1950 |
Knopov, 201947 | “The role of racial residential segregation in Black-White disparities in firearm homicide at the state level in the United States, 1991–2015” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Index of dissimilarity |
Krieger, 202048 | “Structural racism, historical redlining, and risk of preterm birth in New York City, 2013–2017″ | Housing, economic | Black-White | HOLC assessment, ICE (race plus income; race plus homeowner) |
Larimore, 2019,49 | “Routes to low birth (or not): local, cultural racism in exceptional communities” | Socioeconomics, power, freedom | Black-White | Percentage of each racial group in a managerial position; Black-White ratios of the following: median household income; proportion with a bachelor’s degree or higher; proportion between the ages of 16 and 64 years who are currently unemployed; proportion of each racial group with incomes below 100% of the federal poverty line; social connection; isolation index; sex ratios by race and age to capture the population removal of lack men due to incarceration, index of spatial proximity, Black-White jail population gap for each MSA |
Leos, 202074 | “Examining the effect of state- and individual-level structural racism on Latino adolescent sexual risk behaviors: an intergroup and intragroup analysis” | Education, criminal justice | Black-White Latino-White |
State-level structural racism (disparities in high school completion rates, disparities in bachelor’s degree completion rates, disparities in juvenile commitment rates) |
Linton, 202075 | “Mortgage discrimination and racial/ethnic concentration are associated with same-race/ethnicity partnering among people who inject drugs in 19 US cities” | Residential segregation, housing | Black-White; Latino-White | ICE, mortgage loan denial |
Liu, 201950 | “Structural racism and severe maternal morbidity in New York State” | Education, employment, criminal justice | Black-White | Disproportionality measure in female educational attainment, female employment, and incarceration |
Lundberg, 202176 | “Quantifying the contribution of occupational segregation to racial disparities in health: a gap-closing perspective” | Occupational segregation | Black-White Hispanic-White Other race-White |
No measure; use a counterfactual method to measure the effect of equalizing occupational opportunity on racial health disparity |
Lynch, 202151 | “The legacy of structural racism: associations between historic redlining, current mortgage lending, and health” | Redlining | Black-White | Historical redlining, contemporary lending discrimination |
Martz, 202169 | “Pathways linking census tract typologies with subjective neighborhood disorder and depressive symptoms in the Black Women’s Experiences Living with Lupus (BeWELL) Study” | Residential segregation | Black | Evenness dimension of racial residential segregation |
Matoba, 2019,52 | “Mortgage discrimination and preterm birth among African American women: an exploratory study” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Redlining index |
Mitchell, 202183 | “Tract level associations between historical residential redlining and contemporary fatal encounters with police” | Redlining | N/A | HOLC assessment |
Mujahid, 202177 | “Historical redlining and cardiovascular health: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis” | Housing/redlining | Black-White Hispanic-White Chinese-White |
HOLC assessment |
O’Brien, 202053 | “Structural racism, economic opportunity, and racial health disparities: evidence from US counties” | Economics | Black-White | Racial opportunity gap |
Owens-Young, 2020,63 | “Structural racial inequities in socioeconomic status, urban–rural classification, and infant mortality in US counties” | Socioeconomics, education, housing | Black-White | Black-White ratios in median income, the percentage who completed a 4-year college degree, percentage who were unemployed, and percentage who were homeowners; dissimilarity index |
Pabayo, 2019,54 | “Structural racism and odds for infant mortality among infants born in the United States 2010″ | Electoral, employment, criminal justice | Black-White | Prison incarceration and juvenile custody rates; sentencing rates; capital punishment; ratios of the proportion of the population aged ≥25 years with bachelor’s degree or higher, the proportion of civilian labor force not currently employed, proportion employed in management, business, science, and arts occupations, median household income |
Pohl, 202178 | “Relationship between residential segregation, later-life cognition, and incident dementia across race/ethnicity” | Residential segregation | Black-White Hispanic-White |
Index of dissimilarity, index of isolation, index of interaction |
Poulson, 202155 | “Residential racial segregation and disparities in breast cancer presentation, treatment, and survival” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Index of dissimilarity |
Poulson, 202156 | “The role of racial segregation in treatment and outcomes among patients with hepatocellular carcinoma” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Index of dissimilarity |
Poulson 202157 | “The impact of racial residential segregation on prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Index of dissimilarity |
Poulson, 202158 | “The impact of racial residential segregation on colorectal cancer outcomes and treatment” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Index of dissimilarity |
Poulson, 202182 | “Historic redlining, structural racism, and firearm violence: a structural equation modeling approach” | Housing | N/A | HOLC assessment |
Richardson, 202070 | “Reparations for Black American descendants of persons Enslaved in the US and their estimated impact on SARS-CoV-2 transmission” | Economics | Black | Gini coefficient: a hypothetical program of reparations for Black American descendants of persons enslaved in the United States |
Samari, 202185 | “Measuring structural xenophobia: US state immigration policy climates over ten years” | Immigration | All races | Immigration Policy Climate Index, which quantifies and tracks policies enacted by US states that have differential impacts on residents, based on immigration or legal status |
Samari, 202184 | “The Muslim ban and preterm birth: analysis of US vital statistics data from 2009 to 2018″ | Immigration | Women born in 1 of the countries included in the Executive Order 13769 Muslim ban | No measure, instead used counterfactual analysis that removes the effect of the Executive Order 13769 Muslim ban |
Sewell, 202159 | “Political economies of acute childhood illnesses: measuring structural racism as meso level mortgage risks” | Housing and banking | Black-White | Neighborhood credit refusals, racialized credit refusals, neighborhood credit privateness, racialized credit privateness |
Shim, 2021110 | “Race and ethnicity of editorial board members and editors as an indicator of structural racism in psychiatry and neuroscience journals” | Education and publishing | Black, Asian, Hispanic/Latinx, White | Participation in the editorial team (editor-in-chief, editorial board members) in psychiatry journals |
Siegel, 202123 | “Racial/ethnic disparities in state-level COVID-19 vaccinations rates and their association with structural racism” | Economics, employment, incarceration, education, housing | Black-White Hispanic-White |
State racism index |
Siegel, 202124 | “Actual racial/ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality for the non-Hispanic Black compared to non-Hispanic White population in 35 US states and their association with structural racism” | Economics, employment, incarceration, education, housing | Black-White | State racism index |
Siegel, 202160 | “The relationship between racial residential segregation and Black-White disparities in fatal police shootings at the city level, 2013–2017” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Dissimilarity index |
Stermon and Lukinbeal, 202180 | “Institutionalized racism: redlined districts then and now in Boston, Detroit, and Los Angeles” | Residential segregation | Non-White compared with White | Proportion of non-White people in the census tract, dissimilarity index, HOLC assessment |
Sudhinaraset, 202186 | “Analysis of state-level immigrant policies and preterm births by race/ethnicity among women born in the US and women born outside the US” | Immigration | White, Asian, Black, Hispanic (for the outcome, not the measure) | Criminalizing and integration of immigrant policies variables |
Tackett, 202071 | “Structural racism and its influence on the severity of atopic dermatitis in African American children” | Residential segregation | Black-White Latino-White |
Dissimilarity index |
Tan, 202161 | “Structural racism and COVID-19 in the USA: a county-level empirical analysis” | Residential segregation | Black-White | Black-White spatial exposure, P~* score; Spatial Information Theory Index; the following Black-White ratios: poverty; employment; county-level jail incarceration rate |
Treuhaft, 202081 | “The racial equity tool index: a new data tool to drive local efforts to dismantle structural racism” | Economics, educational, environmental | Compare “population” with each race: White, Black, Latino, API, Native American, mixed race | Racial equity index; prosperity score |
Vilda, 202162 | “Structural racism, racial inequities, and urban–rural differences in infant mortality in the US” | Jail incarceration | Black-White | Parish-level jail incarceration prevalence |
Volpe, 202164 | “State- and provider- level racism and health care in the US” | Socioeconomic, judicial, political | Black-White | State-level structural racism using political participation, employment and job status, educational attainment, and judicial treatment modeled after Lukachko, Hatzenbuehler, and Keyes (2014). |
White, 202126 | “Residential racial segregation and social Distancing in the United States during COVID-19″ | Residential segregation | Black-White | Dissimilarity index |
Abbreviations: API, Asian and Pacific Islander; Black-White, Black and White (as with Latino-White, Hispanic-White, and so forth); HOLC, Home Owners’ Loan Corporation; ICE, index of concentration at the extremes; MSA, Metropolitan Statistical Area; N/A, not applicable.