Loss of SGS1 suppresses rmi1 growth and DNA damage phenotypes. (A) Spores from the indicated cross (JMY1918 × NJY1236) were microdissected in vertical columns and allowed to germinate for 3 days at 30°C. The sizes of the spore clones reflect the strains' relative growth rates. (B) The indicated haploid strains were streaked on YPD plates to single colonies and allowed to grow for 3 days at 30°C to demonstrate their relative growth rates and the accumulation of suppressor mutations. (C) The indicated haploid strains were replica plated in 1:10 serial dilutions on YPD plates or YPD plates containing 0.012% MMS and incubated for 3 days at the indicated temperatures. Strains shown in panels B and C: W303-1a, JMY1918, JMY1963, NJY506, JMY1961, JMY1962, JMY1960, and NJY372.