82.1 |
FastQC |
QC of raw sequencing read |
82.2 |
GATK FastqToSam |
Convert fastq files to unmapped bam file |
82.3 |
GATK MarkIlluminaAdapters |
Mark sequencing adapters in unmapped bam file |
82.4 |
GATK SamToFastq; bwa; samtools |
Sequence alignment |
82.5 |
GATK MergeBamAlignment |
Merge mapped bam file with unmapped bam file |
82.6 |
GATK SortSam; GATK SetNmMdAndUqTags |
Sort BAM file by coordinate order and fix tag values for NM and UQ |
82.7 |
GATK MarkDuplicates |
Mark duplicate reads to avoid counting non-independent observations |
82.8 |
GATK BaseRecalibrator |
Generate base quality score recalibration model |
82.9 |
Apply base quality score recalibration model |
82.10 |
GATK SortSam; GATK BuildBamIndex; md5sum |
Sort by coordinate, index and calculate md5 |
82.11 |
samtools |
Calculate depth and coverage |
82.12 |
GATK HaplotypeCaller |
Call germline heterozygous SNVs and INDELs (only for bulk DNA) |
85.1 |
SCcaller |
Run SCcaller on all candidate mutations |
85.2 |
n.a |
Filter out low-quality and germline calls and keep only somatic mutations |
85.3 |
bedtools |
Calculate sensitivity |
85.4 |
samtools |
Calculate coverage of both bulk and single cell |
85.5 |
n.a |
Estimate SNV and INDEL burdens per single cell |