Table 2. Differential diagnosis of ANUG.
ANUG: acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; HSV: herpes simplex virus
ANUG | Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis | Desquamative gingivitis | Chronic destructive periodontal disease | Diphtheria |
Fusospirochetal complex | HSV | Few bacterial forms | Variable bacterial smears | Corynebacterium diphtheria |
Punched-out necrosed papilla and marginal gingiva | Gingiva (diffused) buccal mucosa and lips | Gingiva and mucosa | Marginal gingiva | Marginal gingiva (rarely) |
Pseudomembranous epithelium | Diffuse erythema and vesicular eruption | Patchy desquamation | No desquamation, but purulent material may appear from pockets | Membrane removal difficult |
Adults and adolescents | Children | Adults and Women | Adults |