Enzymatic and detergent treatments provide proper decellularization. A-B) Decellularization yields using different enzymatic and detergent treatment protocols. Inserted images indicate the visual assessment of the presence of DNA by DAPI staining (Scale 10 μm). Table indicate the treatment performed (+). Graphics provide quantitative DNA amount (n = 3); Dotted lines indicate the acceptable DNA amount threshold (Black, 50 ng DNA/mg of dry tissue; red, 10 ng DNA/mg of dry tissue). A) Individual treatments, B) Combinations of treatments, and the nomenclature used in the further assays (C, control; T, DNase-Trypsin-EDTA; S, DNase-SDS; ST, DNase-SDS-Trypsin-EDTA decellularization treatments). C) Mass loss at different steps of the process (n = 3) (Decel, decellularization; Liof, liofilization; Micro, Micronization). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)