Freeze-dried Trypsin-obtained (T) DCC scaffolds support in vitro chondrogenic differentiation. A) Confocal microscope imaging of Actin cytoskeleton staining (red fluorescence) at day 1 and day 7 after cell-seeding on T scaffolds, and quantification of cell density. B-C) Gene expression study of selected cartilage markers at cells cultured on control plastic surface or at Trypsin-obtained DCC scaffolds (Data normalized to plastic grown cells) (n = 3), B) Control media, C) Cartilage differentiation media. D-E) Alcian blue histology staining of cell-seeded Trypsin-obtained DCC scaffolds after 21 days of culture in, D) control media or E) chondrogenic differentiation media. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)