Mutagenesis analysis of key amino acid residue within HhMsrA
(A) Specific activities of HhMsrA-WT and its variants under various concentrations of KCl, each value represents the mean ± SD of three independent experiments.
(B–D) RMSD (B), SASA (C), and Rg (D) comparisons between HhMsrA-WT and the variants HhMsrA-R168K and HhMsrA-R168P.
(E) Total number of salt bridges within variants HhMsrA-R168K and HhMsrA-R168P during simulation.
(F) Structure analysis of salt bridge involving key residue 168 within variants HhMsrA-R168K (red) and HhMsrA-R168P (blue).