Expression of CcSOC1a, CcSOC1b, and CcFUL like-B genes between early- and late-bolting genotypes
Expression level for CcSOC1a (A and B), CcSOC1b (C and D), and CcFUL like-B (E and F) genes was determined in samples taken before the floral transition (day 66) and at pre-bolting stage 1 in both early-bolting genotype c1 (day 88) (A, C, and E) and late-bolting genotype c154 (B, D, and F) (day 130). Analysis was performed on plants that have gone through vernalization (black bars) or not (gray bars). Expression level was represented as the 2-ΔCt average of three biological samples. Error bars represent the standard deviations of the three biological samples. Black asterisks indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between treatments. Gray asterisks indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) with respect to the previous time point. Genotype c1 was not sampled at day 130.