Figure 3:
T2 measurements predict pain over 5 years, data from the OAI (34). Cases and controls were selected based on pain in the right knee. Controls were frequency-matched to cases based on age and gender: cases (n = 51), developed right knee pain over 5 years (WOMAC score = 0 at baseline; WOMAC pain score ≥ 0 at 3-year follow-up; WOMAC pain score > 2 at 5-year follow-up). Controls (n = 156), did not develop right knee pain over 5 years (WOMAC pain score = 0 at baseline; WOMAC pain score = 0 at 3 years follow-up; WOMAC pain score = 0 at 5-year follow-up). Cases had significantly elevated mean cartilage T2 in the medial femur compared to controls (OR per SD change= 1.69, p = 0.019, CI = 1.09–2.63), * indicates significant differences. All other compartments are P>0.05. AVE: average of all regions; LF: Lateral Femur; LT: Lateral Tibia; MF: Medial Femur; MT: Medial Tibia; PAT: Patella.