Table 18.
Blood serum concentrations of POPs in Swedish adolescents participating in the national representative study riksmaten adolescents 2016–2017. POPs data presented as arithmetic means (5th−95th percentile); chlorinated and brominated POPs presented per volume in blood serum (ng/L wet weight); PFASs data presented in blood serum (µg/kg wet weight). Source [48].
Year(s) | 2016–2017 | |
Mean age | 14.7 (10-21) | |
Sample size |
n = 1096 |
ng/L |
% <LOQ1 |
HCB | 52 (22–75) |
0.0 |
trans-Nonachlor | 52 (<LOQ1–10) |
76.9 |
p,p’-DDE | 191 (<LOQ1–575) |
7.1 |
PCB138 | 32 (6–76) |
0.8 |
PCB153 | 53 (13–129) |
0.1 |
PCB180 | 32 (5–87) |
3.8 |
PBDE47 | <LOQ1 | 98.0 |
PBDE153 | <LOQ1 | 99.5 |
µg/kg |
% <LOQ1 |
PFOA | 1.4 (0.6–2.5) |
0.2 |
PFNA3 | 0.4 (<LOQ1–0.9) |
7.2 |
PFDA3 | 0.2 (<LOQ–0.4) |
37.5 |
PFHxS3 | 1.8 (0.2–2.7) |
7.8 |
PFOS3 | 4.6 (1.2–9.7) |
0.0 |
1.LOQ: limit of quantification; concentrations below the LOQ were replaced by LOQ/√2 for calculating means.
2.Interpret data with caution due to the high % of samples below the LOQ.
3.n = 1098.