Extended Data Fig. 2. REGN5381 does not inhibit ANP binding to NPR1.
ANP binding in the presence of antibody was tested using Biacore S200. Human NPR1-mmh protein was captured over anti-His coated Biacore coupled chip for 10 min. NPR1 captured chip was first saturated with REGN5381 or IgG4 control antibody at 50 ug/ml or 200 nM of ANP for 4 min followed by testing with second injection of 200 nM ANP for 4 min over each complex NPR1 surface. The ANP binding response was recorded after the second injection and it showed that REGN5381 does not block ANP binding to NPR1-mmh. ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; IgG4, immunoglobulin G; mab, monoclonal antibody; NPR1, natriuretic peptide receptor 1.