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. 2024 Sep 18;7(9):e2433316. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.33316

Table 1. Summary Statistics.

Characteristic Visits, No. (%)a
All services (N = 2 507 943) Contraceptive services (n = 591 143) Diabetes or cholesterol screening (n = 767 923) Depression screening (n = 123 544) Wellness visits (n = 1 667 311)
Age, mean (SD), y 54.02 (13.19) 51.88 (14.56) 56.77 (12.06) 51.82 (15.31) 53.19 (13.53)
Female 1 804 637 (71.96) 569 149 (96.28) 447 147 (58.23) 78 529 (63.56) 1 166 889 (69.99)
Male 703 306 (28.04) 21 994 (3.72) 320 776 (41.77) 45 015 (36.44) 500 422 (30.01)
Race and ethnicity
Asian 20 658 (0.82) 3975 (0.67) 6704 (0.87) 949 (0.77) 13 096 (0.79)
Hispanic 139 950 (5.58) 27 847 (4.71) 43 741 (5.70) 8352 (6.76) 94 090 (5.64)
Non-Hispanic Black 219 646 (8.76) 55 219 (9.34) 77 855 (10.14) 9267 (7.50) 147 150 (8.83)
Non-Hispanic White 1 372 223 (54.72) 297 186 (50.27) 419 350 (54.61) 67 292 (54.47) 909 941 (54.58)
Otherb 25 412 (1.01) 5373 (0.91) 8022 (1.04) 1202 (0.97) 16 484 (0.99)
Missing 730 054 (29.11) 201 543 (34.09) 212 251 (27.64) 36 482 (29.53) 486 550 (29.18)
Annual household income, $
<30 000 313 972 (12.52) 86 209 (14.58) 104 947 (13.67) 14 534 (11.76) 208 859 (12.53)
30 000-49 999 250 672 (10.00) 61 982 (10.49) 85 459 (11.13) 11 550 (9.35) 168 428 (10.10)
50 000-74 999 333 707 (13.31) 76 123 (12.88) 110 045 (14.33) 15 397 (12.46) 220 801 (13.24)
75 000-99 999 320 582 (12.78) 64 990 (10.99) 100 428 (13.08) 15 738 (12.74) 211 924 (12.71)
≥100 000 585 299 (23.34) 105 266 (17.81) 162 294 (21.13) 31 331 (25.36) 388 442 (23.3)
Missing 703 711 (28.06) 196 573 (33.25) 204 750 (26.66) 34 994 (28.33) 468 857 (28.12)
High school or less 478 062 (19.06) 121 725 (20.59) 161 966 (21.09) 20 668 (16.73) 320 057 (19.20)
Some college 824 540 (32.88) 178 277 (30.16) 257 554 (33.54) 40 505 (32.79) 544 486 (32.66)
Associate degree or higher 479 867 (19.13) 89 356 (15.12) 136 562 (17.78) 26 465 (21.42) 319 140 (19.14)
Missing 725 474 (28.93) 201 785 (34.13) 211 841 (27.59) 35 906 (29.06) 483 628 (29.01)
Billed cost, total (median), $ 2145 (630) 4149 (748) 2552 (936) 1511 (880) 1780 (614)
All 33 564 (1.34) 9492 (1.61) 13 854 (1.80) 3370 (2.73) 19 701 (1.18)
Benefit denial 16 895 (0.67) 6069 (1.03) 6202 (0.81) 2110 (1.71) 10 121 (0.61)
Billing error 12 786 (0.51) 2514 (0.43) 6320 (0.82) 1065 (0.86) 6907 (0.41)
Coverage lapse 3472 (0.14) 958 (0.16) 1105 (0.14) 286 (0.23) 2585 (0.16)
Alternative coverage 2526 (0.10) 669 (0.11) 896 (0.12) 119 (0.01) 1743 (0.10)
Other 568 (0.02) 168 (0.03) 248 (0.03) 101 (0.08) 359 (0.02)

Inclusion in a column requires that a patient received that specific preventive service on the included date. Sample sizes represent the total number of patient-date pairs that include the index preventive service; this includes a total of 4 218 512 preventive services.


Other race and ethnicity category includes any patient with identified race or ethnicity not in the primary 4 categories.


See eTable 1 in Supplement 1 for service definitions based on procedural and diagnostic codes. Billed cost is reported in 2024 US dollars.