Fig. 1.
A patient with segment III-IV HCC measuring 3.5 × 3.3 cm. (A) and (B) are axial CT images in the arterial and venous phases, respectively, showing arterial postcontrast enhancement of the lesion with washout in the venous phase. (C) 3D-reconstructed AP image showing the lesion (hollow arrow) located behind the bifurcation of the proper hepatic artery. (D) 3D-reconstructed image in oblique view showing three possible feeding branches to the lesion arising from the left hepatic artery (dashed artery). (E) DSA of the CHA using a 5 Fr catheter showing three possible feeding arteries arising from the left hepatic artery. (F) Late-phase image during DSA of the CHA showing faint contrast blush of the lesion (hollow arrow). Artery 1 was identified by both observers via 3D and DSA images. Artery 2 was identified by both observers via 3D and DSA images. Artery 3 was identified by both observers in 3D images but could not be identified in DSA images. The three arteries are true feeding vessels according to the ground truth