Fig. 4.
Stem and leaf box plots for 13 morphological traits in four Callithrix species and their hybrids. The x-axis of each plot represents Callithrix taxon categories and the y-axis of each line represents values of trait measurements. Boxes represent the respective interquartile ranges of 13 Callithrix morphological trails. The bottom box lines represent 25th percentiles, the mid-lines of boxes represents 50th percentiles/medians, and top box lines represents 75th percentiles. Dots inside of box represent respective trait means, and dots outside of respective boxes represent trait outliers. Bottom whiskers of each box represent the variability of minimum trait values relative to the interquartile range and the top whiskers of each box represent maximum trait values relative to the interquartile range. Significant p-values for taxon differences from Supplementary Table S5 Games-Howell post-hoc pairwise tests results following Welch’s ANOVA are represented by as “*” for p-value<0.05, as “**” for p-value<0.01, and as “***” for p-value<0.001. Taxon abbreviations as well as the along the x-axis in each plot and the figure legend are as follows: A- C. aurita, G-C. geoffroyi, J- C. jacchus, P- C. penicillata, AH- C. aurita x Callithrix sp. hybrid; CC- Callithrix sp. x Callithrix sp. hybrid; PG- C. geoffroyi x C. penicillata hybrid; PJ- C. penicillata x C. jacchus hybrid. “G” stands for grams, “cm” stands for centimeters, and “mm” stands for millimeters