Directly binding between Cel and VDAC1. (A) Predicted binding sites of VDAC1 with Cel by Autodock. Yellow dotted lines represent hydrogen bonds, and purple sticks represent Cel compounds. (B) Cel-p and (C) IAA-yne labeling of recombined human VDAC1 protein (1-2 µg) in a dose-dependent manner. (D) Cel-p and (E) IAA-yne labeling of recombined human VDAC1 protein was done in the presence or absence of corresponding competitors. (F) Chemical changes of Cel upon binding with targets using a model presentation. Cel celastrol, IAA iodoacetamide, VDAC1 voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein 1, Fluo fluorescence, CBB coomassie brilliant blue, Conc. concentration, IAA iodoacetamide, CYS cystine, THR threonine, ILE isoleucine.