Fig. 4. MDS plot and genetic affinity among post-LGM Italian hunter-gatherers.
a Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) plot of European hunter-gatherers based on 1 − f3(Le Mura 1, X; Mbuti.SDG). The dimensions are calculated using the reported specimen and previously published hunter-gatherer groups or individuals listed in Supplementary Data 6. Only labels of the populations mentioned in the main text are reported (all labels are shown in Supplementary Fig. 6a); b f4-statistics comparing the affinity of Le Mura 1 with Late UP and Mesolithic individuals from Italy. Filled and empty circles represent the significant (Z-score > |3|) and non-significant Z-score respectively, associated with the statistics. Error bars show 1 × s.e.m. (black) or 3 × s.e.m. (grey) of the f4 values estimated from 5 cM-block jackknife analysis. The values of the f4-statistics suggest no recent interactions between tested individuals and Le Mura 1 (See Supplementary Data 9). The higher genetic affinity was observed between Le Mura 1 and the later Sicilian hunter-gatherers. In both figures, samples dated to the Pre-LGM are coloured in blue, Post-LGM in green, Late Glacial in magenta and Holocene hunter-gatherers in red. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.