Fig. 3.
4.2 K zero-field Mossbauer spectra of the reaction of the AsqJ•57Fe(II)•2OG•2-H complex with O2 at different times. Black vertical bars mark experimental spectra, black solid lines represent overall spectral simulations, blue solid lines represent the spectral simulation of the AsqJ•57Fe(II)•2OG•2-H complex, red solid lines represent the spectral simulation of the oxyferryl intermediate, green solid lines represent the spectral simulations of the AsqJ•57Fe(II)•2OG•product complex. The figure is adapted with permission from Chang, W., Li, J., Lee, J. L., Cronican, A. A., & Guo, Y. (2016). Mechanistic investigation of a non-heme iron enzyme catalyzed epoxidation in (−)-4′-methoxycyclopenin biosynthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(33), 10390–10393., Copyright 2016 American Chemical Society.