Table 1. Experimental allocation of study animals and immunization protocol.
Group | Vaccines used | No of animals | Dose and route |
Group 1 | Unvaccinated control | 8 | No |
Group 2 | PPR | 8 | 1 ml/SC |
Group 3 | CCPP | 8 | 1 ml/SC |
Group 4 | SGPX | 8 | 1 ml/SC |
Group 5 | Pasteurellosis | 8 | 1 ml/SC |
Group 6 | PPR and CCPP | 8 | 1 ml each/SC |
Group 7 | PPR and SGPX | 8 | 1 ml each/SC |
Group 8 | PPR and Pasteurellosis | 8 | 1 ml each/SC |
Group 9 | PPR, CCPP and SGPX | 8 | 1 ml each/SC |
Group10 | PPR, CCPP, Pasteurellisis | 8 | 1 ml each/SC |
Group 11 | CCPP, SGPX, Pasteurellosis | 8 | 1 ml each/SC |
Group 12 | PPR, CCPP, SGPX, Pasteurellosis | 12 | 1 ml each/SC |