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. 2024 Aug 22;16(8):e67508. doi: 10.7759/cureus.67508

Table 6. Association between demographic variables and professional identity.

** - Significant at 1% level; * - Significant at 5% level; DF - Degree of Freedom; BSc (N): BSc Nursing; DGNM: Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery

S. No. Demographic Variables Class Level of Professional Identity Chi-square value DF P value
Low Moderate High
1 Age (in years) 15-20 26 15 28 13.661 2 0.001**
21-25 38 55 38
2 Gender Male 26 22 18 2.959 2 0.228
Female 38 49 49
3 Course BSc Nursing 61 65 63 149.595 2 0.000**
DGNM 3 6 4
4 Year of studying BSc (N) 3rd year 34 20 39 14.623 4 0.006**
BSc (N) 4th year 27 45 24
DGNM 2nd year 3 6 4
5 Type of Student Accommodation Hostel 17 25 11 6.296 2 0.043*
Day Scholar 47 46 56
6 Type of family Nuclear family 39 49 52 4.647 2 0.098
Joint family 24 18 14
7 Order of child in the family First child 39 41 35 2.582 4 0.630
Second child 13 18 21
Third child 7 11 11
8 Religion Hindu 38 38 40 2.613 4 0.624
Christian 18 27 19
Muslim 7 5 8
9 Family Income Less than 25,000 15 17 16 10.902 8 0.207
25,000 to 50,000 25 15 18
50,000 to 75,000 7 9 15
75,000 to 1,00,000 12 22 12
Above 1,00,000 5 8 6
10 Place of residence Urban 36 46 42 3.756 4 0.440
Semi-Urban 10 13 14
Rural 18 12 11
11 Educational Background of the father No formal education 5 5 4 2.173 10 0.995
Primary School Certificate 9 9 9
High School Certificate 20 26 20
Diploma 9 7 7
Graduate 13 16 17
Post Graduate 6 6 8
12 Educational Background of the mother No formal education 4 2 10 17.886 10 0.057
Primary School Certificate 16 19 10
High School Certificate 20 29 17
Diploma 7 2 4
Graduate 8 12 15
Post Graduate 7 6 9
13 Occupation of father Unemployed 2 3 1 7.895 8 0.444
Semi-skilled Worker 6 5 11
Skilled Worker 22 23 18
Professional 18 28 20
Business 15 10 15
14 Occupation of mother Unemployed/ Housewife 26 42 36 12.975 8 0.113
Semi-skilled Worker 10 6 3
Skilled Worker 10 7 6
Professional 15 11 15
Business 2 3 7