NK receptor analysis reveals an imbalance of activating and inhibitory receptors in pediatric cancer patients
(A and B) Mass cytometry data showing the frequency of NK cells in pediatric cancer (PC) patients and pediatric healthy (PH) controls positive for the indicated cell surface receptors. Some markers were co-stained using two antibodies labelled with the same metal isotope. (C) Frequency of NK cells positive for the indicated KIR receptors. Note that some KIR-specific antibodies bind more than one KIR receptor and this is shown on the figure. Cell surface levels of the various NK cell receptors on the total NK cell population was calculated using manual gating and is shown for each pediatric healthy (PH) donor and pediatric cancer (PC) patient. The mean ± 1 standard deviation and results of Wilcoxon ranked sum tests, false discovery rate corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg method, are also shown. Significant results are indicated: ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. For KIR receptors, activating receptors are shown in blue and inhibitory receptors are shown in red.