(A) Co-citation analysis chart for “artificial intelligence-Traditional Chinese Medicine”. The sizes of the overlaid circles, corresponding to the sizes of the circles on the annual rings, are proportional to the number of citations. Purple indicates earlier citation times, while yellow indicates later citation times. Overlapping colors indicate citations in corresponding years. The lines connecting the circles represent the co-citation situation of the literature, with nodes marked in magenta indicating critical nodes with a centrality greater than 0.1. (B) Top 20 references with the highest citation bursts. “Burst” refers to a sudden increase in a research topic's prominence within a specific time period. BurstBegin marks the start of this phenomenon, signifying the onset of significant growth, while BurstEnd marks the conclusion, indicating when the growth trend slows or declines. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)