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. 2024 Sep 16;8(12):CASE2460. doi: 10.3171/CASE2460


Hemorrhagic cases of primary intracranial chondrosarcoma

Authors & Year Age (yrs) Sex Level of Consciousness & Manifestation on Admission Location of Tumor Type & Location of Hemorrhage Treatment Outcome
Fukuchi et al., 199617 75 F Alert, blepharoptosis, diplopia Clivus to petrous apex ITH + PTH Biopsy Death
Ohshige et al., 200513 52 F Alert, headache, gait disturbance Petrous bone to cerebellar hemisphere IPH (cerebellum) Evacuation of hematoma, partial resection (lat suboccipital approach) + RT Survival
Harada et al., 200614 23 M Comatose, headache Clivus ITH + SAH STR (combined subtemporal & presigmoid transpetrosal approach) + RT Survival
Gallia et al., 200915 34 M Alert, headache, blurred vision Paracavernous to suprasellar region ITH + IVH, IPH (temporal lobe) GTR (pterional approach) + RT Survival
Jumani et al., 201012 21 M Alert but deteriorated (GCS score 14 to 8), rt paralysis, slurred speech Parapharyngeal space to intracranial cavity IPH (pons) Chemo + RT (1st), GTR (craniotomy + EEA; 2nd) Death
Little et al., 201316 46 M Alert, headache, blurred vision, photophobia Prefrontal, extra-axial ITH STR (craniotomy) + RT Survival
Present case 77 M Comatose, headache, hemiparesis, ophthalmoplegia, coma Clivus IPH + PTH STR (EEA) + RT Survival

EEA = endoscopic endonasal approach; GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; GTR = gross-total resection; IPH = intraparenchymal hemorrhage; ITH = intratumoral hemorrhage; IVH = intraventricular hemorrhage; PTH = peritumoral hemorrhage; RT = radiotherapy; SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage; STR = subtotal resection.