Table 6.
Results of the elastic net regression process including results for each composite outcome, the selected features, and the feature-specific regression coefficients.
Move outcome (24 features, R2 = 0.16) | Coefficient |
Health, blood magnesium | 0.229 |
Cognitive, useful field of view accuracy | 0.181 |
Lifestyle, number of deployments | −0.165 |
Physical, agility trial time | −0.052 |
Lifestyle, number of years in military | −0.014 |
Physical, ACFT hand release push-up total | −0.006 |
Social/emotional, PHQ total score | −0.004 |
Physical, flexibility maximum | 0.004 |
Cognitive, visual search task RT slope | 0.003 |
Social/emotional, behavior activation system | 0.003 |
Health, alcohol consumption | 0.002 |
Social/emotional, emotion regulation - situation modification | −0.002 |
Physical, ACFT maximum deadlift | 0.001 |
Cognitive, flanker effect | 0.001 |
Physical, average grip strength | 0.001 |
Physical, average hip adduction | 0.001 |
Physical, average standing forward extended reach | 0.001 |
Cognitive, stroop effect | <0.001 |
Cognitive, behavior inhibition system | <0.001 |
Social/emotional, total resiliency | <0.001 |
Physical, ACFT leg tuck total | <0.001 |
Physical, average cross-body reach | <0.001 |
Physical, ACFT 2-mile run time | <0.001 |
Physical, moderate MET minutes per week | <0.001 |
Shoot outcome (78 features, R2 = 0.15) | Coefficient |
Cognitive, spatial working memory accuracy | 0.601 |
Cognitive, spatial perspective-taking accuracy cost | −0.456 |
Health, blood potassium | −0.369 |
Lifestyle, number of children | 0.275 |
Cognitive, go/no-go inhibition commission error rate | 0.192 |
Cognitive, N-back working memory accuracy | −0.070 |
Physical, agility trial time | −0.052 |
Social/emotional, grit score | −0.046 |
Social/emotional, emotion regulation - situation modification | −0.033 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness - acting with awareness | −0.030 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness | −0.029 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness - non-judging | 0.027 |
Health, left ear hearing ability | 0.025 |
Social/emotional, expressive suppression | 0.021 |
Physical, flexibility total score | 0.020 |
Physical, maximum flexibility | −0.020 |
Social/emotional, barrett impulsiveness scale total score | −0.019 |
Cognitive, attentional blink magnitude | −0.018 |
Social/emotional, emotional regulation cognitive change | 0.017 |
Lifestyle, years in military | 0.016 |
Health, body mass index | −0.015 |
Health, right ear hearing ability | −0.015 |
Lifestyle, age | −0.014 |
Health, nutrition knowledge score | 0.014 |
Social/emotional, emotion regulation - situation selection | 0.012 |
Social/emotional, behavior inhibition system | 0.012 |
Social/emotional, negative affect | 0.012 |
Lifestyle, number of deployments | −0.011 |
Social/emotional, emotion regulation - cognitive reappraisal | −0.011 |
Social/emotional, attentional deployment - rumination | 0.009 |
Social/emotional, behavior activation system | −0.008 |
Physical, ACFT hand release push-up total | 0.008 |
Physical, ACFT standing power throw total | 0.007 |
Physical, average thoracic lumbar spine rotation | −0.005 |
Social/emotional, total affect | 0.005 |
Social/emotional, attentional deployment - distraction | 0.004 |
Physical, ACFT leg tuck total | −0.004 |
Physical, ACFT 2-mile run time | −0.004 |
Physical, ACFT maximum deadlift | −0.003 |
Physical, ACFT total score | 0.003 |
Physical, average pinch strength | −0.003 |
Physical, running-based anaerobic sprint test fatigue index | 0.002 |
Social/emotional, positive Affect | −0.002 |
Health, sugar consumption | −0.002 |
Physical, average standing trunk flexion | −0.002 |
Cognitive, visual search task RT slope | −0.002 |
Health, blood transferrin saturation | 0.001 |
Physical, seated power throw maximum | 0.001 |
Cognitive, stroop effect | −0.001 |
Physical, ACFT sprint drag carry total | −0.001 |
Health, carbohydrate consumption | 0.001 |
Physical, average hip adduction | −0.001 |
Social/emotional, emotion regulation - response modulation | −0.001 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness - describe | 0.001 |
Physical, average knee flexion | −0.001 |
Physical, average lumbar flexion | −0.001 |
Health, caffeine consumption | 0.001 |
Physical, average knee extension | 0.001 |
Health, blood transferrin | −0.001 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness - observe | 0.001 |
Cognitive, speed of processing RT | −0.001 |
Social/emotional, resilience total | 0.001 |
Physical, average hip flexion | 0.001 |
Physical, average grip strength | <0.001 |
Cognitive, task switching cost | <0.001 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness – non-react | <0.001 |
Physical, average standing overhead fingertip reach | <0.001 |
Physical, average hip abduction | <0.001 |
Health, alcohol consumption | <0.001 |
Physical, anaerobic capacity | <0.001 |
Physical, average lumbar extension | <0.001 |
Health, protein consumption | <0.001 |
Physical, average cross-body reach | <0.001 |
Physical, average standing forward extended reach | <0.001 |
Health, KCal consumption | <0.001 |
Cognitive, flanker effect | <0.001 |
Cognitive, risk-taking task overall performance | <0.001 |
Physical, moderate MET minutes per week | <0.001 |
Communicate outcome (39 Features, R2 = 0.25) | |
Health, blood basophils | −0.255 |
Health, blood potassium | −0.142 |
Cognitive, N-back working memory accuracy | −0.080 |
Social/emotional, conscientiousness score | −0.060 |
Health, blood hemoglobin | −0.040 |
Lifestyle, number of deployments | −0.033 |
Health, blood sodium | −0.030 |
Cognitive, spatial perspective-taking accuracy cost | −0.025 |
Physical, average pinch strength | 0.022 |
Health, blood urea nitrogen | −0.021 |
Physical, agility trial time | −0.017 |
Social/emotional, expressive suppression | −0.015 |
Social/emotional, emotion regulation – response modulation | −0.013 |
Health, blood chloride | −0.011 |
Health, nutrition knowledge score | −0.008 |
Physical, fatigue index | 0.008 |
Physical, ACFT sprint drag carry total | 0.004 |
Physical, ACFT leg tuck total | 0.003 |
Health, blood hematocrit | −0.003 |
Health, blood vitamin D25 | 0.002 |
Physical, average thoracic lumbar spine rotation | −0.002 |
Physical, flexibility total score | 0.002 |
Health, percent body fat | −0.002 |
Physical, ACFT hand release push-up total | 0.002 |
Physical, average hip adduction | 0.001 |
Health, blood carbon dioxide | 0.001 |
Cognitive, flanker effect | 0.001 |
Health, blood zinc | 0.001 |
Physical, ACFT total score | <0.001 |
Health, right ear hearing ability | <0.001 |
Physical, average standing overhead fingertip reach | <0.001 |
Physical, average lumbar flexion | <0.001 |
Physical, average lumbar extension | <0.001 |
Physical, anaerobic capacity | <0.001 |
Physical, average knee flexion | <0.001 |
Lifestyle, years in military | <0.001 |
Physical, ACFT standing power throw total | <0.001 |
Physical, moderate MET minutes per week | <0.001 |
Cognitive, attentional blink magnitude | <0.001 |
Navigate outcome (9 features, R2 = 0.39) | |
Cognitive, spatial working memory accuracy | 2.864 |
Cognitive, spatial perspective-taking accuracy cost | −1.396 |
Social/emotional, grit score | −0.030 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness – observe | 0.008 |
Physical, average hip flexion | 0.002 |
Health, nutrition knowledge score | 0.001 |
Health, blood zinc | 0.001 |
Health, caffeine consumption | <0.001 |
Physical, average knee extension | <0.001 |
Sustain outcome (16 Features, R2 = 0.12) | |
Health, blood potassium | 0.062 |
Social/emotional, neuroticism score | −0.028 |
Cognitive, attentional blink magnitude | 0.023 |
Social/emotional, emotional regulation – mindfulness | −0.011 |
Health, blood folate | −0.004 |
Health, blood mean platelet volume | 0.001 |
Social/emotional, mindfulness – non-react | −0.001 |
Cognitive, flanker effect | 0.001 |
Health, blood copper | −0.001 |
Physical, average pinch strength | <0.001 |
Physical, ACFT leg tuck total | <0.001 |
Health, blood platelet count | <0.001 |
Physical, average standing trunk flexion | <0.001 |
Physical, average lumbar extension | <0.001 |
Physical, anaerobic capacity | <0.001 |
Physical, average standing overhead fingertip reach | <0.001 |