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[Preprint]. 2024 Sep 14:2024.09.14.613010. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.09.14.613010

Table 4:

Statistics for cryoEM structure of Fab 3B4 / Fab 3H4 / HAstV1 spike complex

Data collection information PNCC #160258 - Krios-3

Nominal magnification 105,000x
Voltage (kV) 300
Electron dose (e-2) 32.26
Physical pixel size (super-res) (Å) 0.415
Movies amount 7,235
Defocus average and range (μm) −1.5 (−2.5 to −0.5)
Frames 60

Single-particle reconstruction information EMDB 45427

Initial particles picked 4,132,753
Particles in the final map 163,237
Initial model used PDB 5EWO, ab-initio
Symmetry imposed C1
Map overall resolution - FSC0.143 (Å) 3.33
Map resolution range (Å) 3.0–4.2
Map sharpening
B-factor (Å2) −112

Built model information PDB 9CBN

Chains 11
Atoms (non-H) 10967
Protein residues 1,040
Water 0
 BMA: 2
 NAG: 5

Bonds (RMSD)
Length (A, # > 4σ ) 0.020 (2)
Angles (°,# > 4σ ) 1.536 (91)
Mean B-factor (Å2)
Protein 0.78/102.01/40.47
Nucleotide N/A
Ligand 30.00/56.36/50.22
Water N/A
MolProbity score 2.72
Clashscore 31.17
Ramachandran plot
Favored (%) 92.24
Allowed (%) 7.76
Outliers (%) 0

Rama-Z (Ramachandran plot Z-score, RMSD)
Whole (N = 3625) −2.05 (0.26)
Helix (N = 1443) −5.16 (0.42)
Sheet (N = 472) −1.26 (0.26)
Loop(N =1710) −1.36 (0.25)

Rotamer outliers (%) 2.22
Cβ outliers (%) 1.77

Peptide plane (%)
Cis proline/general 7.3/0.0
Twisted proline/general 0.0/0.0

CaBLAM outliers (%) 3.49

Mean 1
occ = 1 (%) 99.26
0 < occ < 1 (%) 0.74
occ > 1 (%) 0

Model vs. Data
Mean CC for ligands 0.64
CC (peaks) 0.64
CC (volume) 0.75
CC (box) 0.7
CC (mask) 0.78