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[Preprint]. 2024 Aug 22:2024.08.19.24308041. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.08.19.24308041

Table 1.

The RE-AIM framework adapted to the evaluation of 3HP delivery in the 3HP Options Trial

RE-AIM dimensions and operational definitions Indicators/nature of data Measurement and sources of data

Reach refers to 3HP acceptance.1 Facilitators and barriers to 3HP acceptance. IDIs with PLHIV.
Effectiveness refers to 3HP treatment completion.2 Facilitators and barriers to 3HP completion. IDIs with PLHIV.
Adoption refers to the willingness of healthcare providers to integrate 3HP into routine TPT practices at the Mulago ISS clinic. Number of healthcare providers trained on 3HP Options Trial protocol.
Number of healthcare providers willing to participate in 3HP delivery.
Facilitators and barriers to adoption
Attendance lists of healthcare provider training.
Review of patient weekly assessment and referral forms completed by healthcare providers at the clinic.
KIIs with healthcare providers at the clinic.
Implementation refers to fidelity to the various components of the 3HP delivery strategies as per the 3HP Options Trial protocol. Number of planned activities implemented.
Adaptations made to the study protocol.
Facilitators and barriers to implementation.
Review of the 3HP Options Trial activity log.
Observation during the intervention process.
KIIs with healthcare providers at the clinic.
IDIs with PLHIV.
Maintenance is the extent to which 3HP delivery was integrated into routine TPT practices, modified, and sustained at the clinic. 3HP integration into the national HIV program.
3HP Options Trial treatment facilitation components and 3HP delivery strategies integrated into routine 3HP delivery and maintained at the clinic.
Dissemination of study findings in national 3HP planning meetings.
Post-3HP Options Trial observations of 3HP delivery at the clinic.

3HP weekly isoniazid-rifapentine for three months, TPT TB preventive treatment, PLHIV people living with HIV, REDCap web-based research database, 99DOTS digital adherence technology, IDI in-depth interview, ISS immune suppression syndrome, KII key-informant interviews, HIV human immunodeficiency virus


3HP acceptance refers to taking at least one dose.


3HP completion refers to taking at least 11 of 12 doses within 16 weeks of treatment initiation.