iModulon activities respond to changing light conditions. (A) The activity of selected iModulons under a clear day condition. On a clear day, light intensity varies in a parabolic manner, with maximum photon intensity of 600 μmol photons m−2 s−1. (B) The activity of selected iModulons in the dark. (C) iModulons whose activities display significant changes during shade pulse. The condition is defined by dividing the light intensity value of the clear day condition by 10-fold between 8 and 9 h after dawn. Samples were taken at clear day 8 h (CD_8h), 15, 30, and 60 min during shade pulse exposure (SP_15m - SP_60m), 15 and 30 min of recovery after switching back to clear day (SP_CD_15m, SP_CD_30m) and cleary day 10 h (CD_10h), time after exposure, and recovery. (D) iModulons whose activities display significant changes during high light pulse, where the samples in constant low light condition (50 μmol photons m−2 s−1) were exposed to the light intensity of clear day condition between 8 and 9 h after dawn (21). Samples were taken at low light 8 h (LL_8h), 15, 30, and 60 min during high light pulse exposure (HP_15m - HP_60m), 15 and 30 min of recovery after switching back to low light (HP_LL_15m, HP_LL_30m) and low light 10 h (LL_10h), time after exposure and recovery.