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. 2024 Aug 29;58(17):1001–1010. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108233

Table 1.

Associations between maturational status and injury for all eligible studies

Paper Sport Maturity status Criteria Findings
Bult et al 16 Soccer EA PHV (MO) Pre-PHV 1 (>12 months pre-PHV)
Pre-PHV 2 (6–12 months pre-PHV)
Pre-PHV 3 (<6 months pre-PHV)
Post-PHV 4 (<3 months post-PHV)
Post-PHV 5 (3–6 months post-PHV)
Post-PHV 6 (>6 months post PHV)
↑ injury incidence and burden in post-PHV 4+5
↓ injury incidence burden in pre-PHV 1
↓ injury burden in pre-PHV 2
Fawcett et al 32 Gymnastics Perceived maturational status NA ↑ risk for injury and lower back pain circa-PHV especially, when combined with excessive training load
Hall et al (2022) Soccer EA PHV (MO) Pre-PHV (<−1.0)
Circa-PHV (−0.5 to 0.5)
Post-PHV (>1.0)
↓ incidence of overall, non-contact, soft-tissue, muscle, non-contact soft tissue and thigh injuries in pre-PHV vs post-PHV
↓ incidence of non-contact, soft-tissue, muscle and thigh injuries in circa-PHV vs post-PHV
↑ incidence of growth-related injuries in pre-PHV and circa-PHV vs post-PHV
↑ prevalence of overall and non-contact soft-tissue in post-PHV vs pre-PHV
↑ prevalence of non-contact, soft-tissue, muscle, thigh injuries in post-PHV vs pre-PHV and circa-PHV
↓ prevalence of growth-related injuries in post-PHV vs pre-PHV and circa-PHV
↑ injury burden in players recording at least one soft-tissue injury in post-PHV vs pre-PHV
Horobeanu et al 18 Squash EA PHV (MO) Pre-PHV (<−1.0)
Circa-PHV (−1.0 to 1.0)
Post-PHV (>1.0)
No statistically significant difference in the proportion of osteochondrosis growth related injuries occurred circa-PHV (56%) vs pre-PHV (21%) and post-PHV (23%)
Johnson et al 19 Soccer %PAH (KR) NA Non-linear association (inv.-U) between maturity status and incidence and burden for non-contact injuries with peaks at 92%–95% PAH, respectively
Johnson et al 20 Soccer %PAH (KR) Pre-PHV (<88% PAH)
Circa-PHV (88%–95% PAH)
Post-PHV (>95% PAH)
↑ incidence and burden of non-contact injuries in circa-PHV vs pre-PHV
Monaco et al 21 Handball Physician assessed testicular volume Immature—4–14 cm testicular volume
Mature—≥15 cm testicular volume
↑ incidence of apophysitis in immature vs mature
Monasterio et al 8 Soccer %AAH Pre-PHV <88% AAH
Circa-PHV 88–96% AAH
Post-PHV >96% AAH
↑ prevalence of growth-related injuries circa-PHV vs pre-PHV and post-PHV
Prevalence of growth-related injuries followed a distal-to-proximal gradient consistent with asynchronous and sequential growth of human skeleton.
↑ prevalence of muscle, groin pain, knee joint/ligament, ankle joint/ligament in post-PHV vs pre-PHV and circa-PHV
Monasterio et al 22 Soccer EA PHV (SITAR) Pre-PHV (>6 months before PHV)
Circa-PHV (±6 months from PHV)
Post-PHV (>6 months after PHV until growth velocity was <1 cm/year)
↑ burden of overall, growth-related, AIIS osteochondrosis, muscle, hamstring injuries in circa-PHV vs pre-PHV
↑ burden of overall, muscle, hamstring, quadricep, joint/ligament, knee, meniscal ankle, lateral sprain ↓ burden Sever’s, Osgood-Schlatter’s in post-PHV vs pre-PHV
↑ burden of Sever’s, Osgood-Schlatter’s, AIIS osteochondrosis
↓ burden of muscle, knee, meniscal ankle, lateral sprain in circa-PHV vs post-PHV
Monasterio et al23 Soccer EA PHV (SITAR) Circa-PHV (±6 months from PHV)
Post-PHV (>6 months from PHV and until growth velocities were <1 cm/year)
↑ burden of overall injuries players that experience fast vs average or slow growth in stature circa-PHV, but not post-PHV
↑ burden of growth-related injuries for players experiences fast vs slow growth in stature circa-PHV but not post-PHV
Patel et al 24 Trampolining gymnastics %PAH (KR) NA Non-linear association (inv. U) between maturity status and injury probability with peak at 90% PAH
Patel et al 33 Gymnastics Perceived maturational status NA ↑ incidence growth-related, bone, lower extremity, back injuries and stress fractures of the back/wrist circa-PHV
Rinaldo et al25 Soccer EA PHV (MO) Decimal age (DA)-EA PHV >−1
  • −2 years<DA EA PHV≤−1 year

  • −3 years<DA EA PHV≤−2 years

DA-EA PHV ≤−3 years
↑ probability of injury with ↑ DA-EA PHV
↑ frequency of injury in athletes >−1 DA-EA PHV
Read et al26 Soccer EA PHV (MO) NA ↑ probability of lower-limb injuries in U13–14 players more years (−0.7 vs −0.4) from PHV
Rudavsky et al 31 Dance—Ballet EA PHV (MO) Pre-PHV (>0 years to PHV)
Post-PHV (>0 years from PHV)
No difference in years to or from PHV in dancers did or did not develop proximal patellar tendon pathology
Steidl-Muller27 et al Alpine skiing EA PHV (MO) NA ↑ probability of injury (traumatic and overuse) with greater years to EA PHV
Van der Sluis et al28 Soccer EA PHV (MO) Pre-PHV (>6 months to PHV)
PHV (<6 months and <6 months from PHV)
Post-PHV (>6 months from PHV)
↑ incidence of traumatic injuries in circa-PHV and post-PHV vs pre-PHV
Van der Sluis et al 29 Soccer EA PHV (MO) Pre-PHV (>6 months to PHV)
PHV (<6 months and <6 months from PHV)
Post-PHV (>6 months from PHV)
↑ incidence of traumatic injuries from pre-PHV to post-PHV then ↓ from PHV to post-PHV in earlier and later maturing players
↑ incidence of overuse injuries from pre-PHV to post-PHV then ↑ from PHV to post-PHV in earlier, but not later, maturing players
Wik et al 34 Track and Field SA (Fels) NA ↓ incidence of growth plate injuries with ↑ skeletal age and %PAH

%AAH, percentage of attained adult height; EA PHV, estimated age at peak height velocity; KR, Khamis-Roche method; MO, maturity offset; %PAH, percentage of predicted adult height; SA, skeletal age; SITAR, super-imposition by translation and rotation.