Figure 2.
(a) Typical [CH2OO]t time profiles in the presence of different concentrations of CH3CHO (blue) (labeled A and B) at 295 K; (b) as (a) but different concentrations of C2H5CHO (red) (labeled C and D). Error bars are 1σ uncertainties in the concentrations derived from fitting the transient absorption spectra. Solid lines are fits to the integrated rate equation, and shaded areas represent 1σ prediction bands. (c) Pseudo-first-order plot of kloss against [RCHO] at 295 K. The specific data points corresponding to time profiles A–D in panels (a) and (b) are highlighted. Vertical and horizontal error bars represent the 1σ statistical uncertainty in fitting CH2OO concentration profiles and uncertainty arising from aldehyde concentration calibration measurements, respectively. Solid lines are linear fits and shaded areas represent 1σ prediction bands.