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. 2024 Sep 4;27(10):110883. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110883

Anti – Ki67 Abcam Cat# Ab16667; RRID: AB_302459
Anti – CD45 Thermo Fisher Cat# Pa5-96061; RRID: AB_2807863
Donkey Anti-Rabbit Cy5 Jackson Immuno Research Cat# 711-175-152; RRID: AB_2340607
DAB Secondary Kit Vector Cat # MP-7801-15

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

BAPN Sigma A3134-SG
PBS Thermo Fisher BP399-20
PFA Thermo Fisher J19943-K2
EDTA Fisher 5316–212
Sucrose Thermo Fisher A15583.0C
OCT Thermo Fisher 4585
Mounting Medium Electron Microscopy Sciences 16900
DAPI-containing Mounting Medium Invitrogen P36931
Picrosirius Red Thermo Fisher 00059437
Alcian blue Poly Scientific S111A
Horse Serum Vector S-2012
RNAse Away MBP 7002
Trizol Invitrogen 15596018
Chloroform Thermo Fisher BP1145
Ethanol Thermo Fisher BP2818-500

Critical commercial assays

ClickIt Edu Kit Thermo Fisher C10337
RNeasy Micro Kit Qiagen 74004
Deposited data
Bulk sequencing and analysis of mouse annulus fibrosus tissue This paper GEO: GSE275620
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
C57bl/6J WT The Jackson Laboratory 000664
C57bl/6j ScxGFP Bred In house Originated from Dr. Ronen Schweitzer

Software and algorithms

ImageJ National Inst. Of Health
GraphPad Prism Graphpad


26 G needle BD 305111
27 G needle Exel Int 26426
30 G needle BD 305128
31 G needle BD 328446
36 G needle WPI NF36BV
8-0 Prolene Sutures Ethicon 873OH
Needle Stopper for 30 G McMaster Car 20H304
Needle Stopper for 27/26 G McMaster Car 21H304
AFM Tips Novascan PT.PS
Phasemaker Tubes Invitrogen A33248
Blue India Ink Thermo Fisher 3120124
Histological Slides ASI SM2575