Figure 2.
Effect of hybridization time on α and [SB'] for different levels of RNA abundance and differential expression. 2a) The variation in α with the hybridization time is shown for 8 different cases of abundance level and differential expression listed in Table 2. The parameters used are kf = 106 M-1s-1, kf-bound = 106 M-1s-1, kb = 0 s-1, initial genomic DNA concentration = 1 pM, bound strand concentration = 106 pM, transport rate = 1 s-1 2b) Change in concentration of SB', the intensity corresponding to the cDNA channel, with time for rare and intermediate species. □ S0 = 0.1 pM, ○ S0 = 1 pM, * S0 = 2 pM