Fig. 1.
Associations between socioeconomic resource (SER) levels and functional brain architecture. A) Profile plot. For each of the 418 brain regions, we conducted a univariate regression analysis predicting SER from within-module degree (MDP) and participation coefficient (PCP) for positive edges. This plot depicts the pair of standardized regression beta weights (MDP and PCP) for each node (referred to as “SER-predictive beta”), with nodes shaded by network affiliation. Positive values reflect that higher SER levels are associated with greater segregation on the x axis (MDP) and greater integration on the y axis (PCP), and vice versa for negative values. As such, from Left to Right and Top to Bottom, higher SER levels become associated with increasingly higher segregation and lower integration. Dashed lines represent the thresholds for statistically significant univariate relationships following multiple comparison correction using the false discovery rate (418 models for MDP and 418 models for PCP). Zone 0 (transparent nodes) contains the majority of nodes that lack statistically significant relations with SER. Zone 1 nodes exhibit positive SER-predictive betas for MDP, consistent with greater segregation of these nodes with higher SER. Zones 2 and 3 exhibit higher SER-predictive betas for PCP (zones 2 and 3) and lower SER-predictive betas for MDP (zone 3), consistent with greater integration of these nodes with higher SER. The hand somatomotor network in the upper left stands out as exhibiting particularly extensive integration with higher SER. CinguloOperc, Cingulo-Opercular network; DorsalAttn, dorsal attention network; SMhand, somatomotor hand network; SMmouth, somatomotor mouth network; VentralAttn, ventral attention network. B, C) Brain figures visualizing the spatial pattern of the univariate relationship (standardized regression coefficients) between SER levels and B) MDP and C) PCP of cortical, subcortical, and cerebellar nodes.