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. 2024 Sep 25;19(9):e0310734. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0310734

Table 2. Outcomes of distress latent growth curve models (N = 1047).

      Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
      β (SE) β (SE) β (SE)
Growth model
Intercept 1.964 (0.069)*** 1.982 (0.069)*** 2.961 (0.128)***
Slope -0.040 (0.052) -0.051 (0.058) -0.232 (0.217)
Cov. intercept and slope -0.177 (0.077)* -0.113 (0.096) 0.001 (0.312)
Time-invariant predictors of latent intercept
Gender -0.173 (0.033)*** -0.139 (0.038)***
Age -0.173 (0.033)*** -0.201 (0.039)***
Educational level -0.009 (0.033) 0.001 (0.038)
Marital status -0.012 (0.033) 0.004 (0.038)
Municipality size -0.017 (0.034) -0.030 (0.039)
Time-invariant predictors of latent slope
Gender 0.099 (0.060) 0.369 (0.303)
Age 0.103 (0.062) -0.034 (0.128)
Educational level -0.010 (0.057) 0.042 (0.121)
Marital status 0.028 (0.057) 0.163 (0.171)
Municipality size 0.051 (0.058) 0.185 (0.183)
W1 Time-varying predictors-concurrent
W1 COVID-19 exposure 0.003 (0.020)
W1 COVID-19 stressors 0.066 (0.022)**
W1 COVID-19 threat 0.156 (0.022)***
W1 Non-COVID events 0.053 (0.020)**
W1 Received support-quantity 0.150 (0.025)***
W1 Received support-quality -0.178 (0.026)***
W1 Interaction quantity X quality -0.075 (0.021)***
W1 Perceived support -0.131 (0.026)***
W1 COVID-19 coping self-efficacy -0.311 (0.023)***
W2 Time-varying predictors-concurrent
W2 COVID-19 exposure 0.060 (0.018)**
W2 COVID-19 stressors 0.072 (0.020)***
W2 COVID-19 threat 0.123 (0.021)***
W2 Non-COVID events 0.019 (0.018)
W2 Received support-quantity 0.096 (0.026)***
W2 Received support-quality -0.093 (0.026)***
W2 Interaction quantity X quality 0.034 (0.021)
W2 Perceived support -0.117 (0.029)***
W2 COVID-19 coping self-efficacy -0.285 (0.025)***
W2 Time-varying predictors-prospective
W1 Received support-quantity 0.089 (0.026)**
W1 Received support-quality -0.069 (0.027)*
W1 Interaction quantity X quality -0.029 (0.020)
W1 Perceived support -0.012 (0.028)
W1 COVID-19 coping self-efficacy -0.130 (0.025)***
W3 Time-varying predictors-concurrent
W3 COVID-19 exposure 0.018 (0.019)
W3 COVID-19 stressors 0.040 (0.021)
W3 COVID-19 threats 0.132 (0.023)***
W3 Non-COVID events 0.124 (0.019)***
W3 Sense of danger Ukraine war 0.059 (0.022)**
W3 Received support-quantity 0.134 (0.028)***
W3 Received support-quality -0.120 (0.028)***
W3 Interaction quantity X quality -0.020 (0.022)
W3 Perceived support -0.076 (0.031)*
W3 COVID-19 CSE -0.117 (0.021)***
W3 Time-varying predictors-prospective
W2 Received support-quantity. 0.025 (0.029)
W2 Received support-quality. -0.052 (0.030)
W2 Interaction quantity X quality 0.020 (0.024)
W2 Perceived support -0.058 (0.032)
W2 COVID-19 coping self-efficacy -0.224 (0.026***
Residual variance
Intercept NA 0.934 (0.016)*** 0.933 (0.019***
Slope NA 0.972 (0.022)*** 0.794 (0.330)*
W1 Distress 0.177 (0.036)*** 0.193 (0.034)*** 0.266 (0.029***
W2 Distress 0.245 (0.016)*** 0.240 (0.016)*** 0.216 (0.014***
W3 Distress 0.140 (0.036)*** 0.151 (0.035)*** 0.218 (0.029)***
Model fit      
χ2 (df) 4.95 (1) 13.19 (6) 229.44 (52)
χ2 p-value .026 .040 .000
CFI .998 .997 .943
NFI .998 .994 .928
RMSEA .061 .034 .057
95% CI RMSEA [.061, .120] [.034, .059] [.057, .065]
  SRMR .011 .008 .023

Note. β = standardized parameter estimate; SE = standard error; W1 = Wave 1; W2 = Wave 2; W3 = Wave 3; cov = covariance; CFI = comparative fit index; NFI = normative fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; SRMR = standardized root mean square residual. a Women were the reference category.

* p < .05

** p < .01

*** p < .001.