Table 3.
Lake | Comparison | Parasite FST | p-value |
(A) | By sympatric fish species | ||
Brienz | C. brienzii (6) vs. C. fatioi (24) | 0.017 | .051 |
C. brienzii (6) vs. C. albellus (38) | 0.026 | .007* | |
C. brienzii (6) vs. C. alpinus (11) | 0.022 | .043 | |
C. fatioi (24) vs. C. albellus (38) | 0.004 | .074 | |
C. fatioi (24) vs. C. alpinus (11) | 0.010 | .031 | |
C. albellus (38) vs. C. alpinus (11) | 0.009 | .042 | |
Langfjordvatn | pelagic (28) vs. littoral (68) | 0.003 | .047 |
pelagic (28) vs. profundal (9) | 0.006 | .096 | |
littoral (68) vs. profundal (9) | 0.005 | .078 | |
Suohpatjávri | littoral (79) vs. pelagic (34) | 0.003 | .012* |
Thun | C. acrinasus (17) vs. C. albellus (31) | 0.002 | .121 |
C. acrinasus (17) vs. C. profundus (36) | 0.002 | .135 | |
C. acrinasus (17) vs. C. steinmanni (11) | 0.006 | .020 | |
C. acrinasus (17) vs. C. fatioi (9) | 0.014 | .001** | |
C. albellus (31) vs. C. profundus (36) | 0.004 | .001** | |
C. albellus (31) vs. C. steinmanni (11) | 0.005 | .021 | |
C. albellus (31) vs. C. fatioi (9) | 0.011 | .003* | |
C. profundus (36) vs. C. steinmanni (11) | 0.006 | .013* | |
C. profundus (36) vs. C. fatioi (9) | 0.014 | .001** | |
C. steinmanni (11) vs. C. fatioi (9) | 0.020 | .001** | |
Walen | C. duplex (26) vs. C. heglingus (34) | 0.006 | .003** |
(B) | By host habitat use | ||
Brienz | shallow (11) vs. wide distribution (68) | 0.009 | .030* |
shallow (28) vs. wide distribution (68) | 0.003 | .037 | |
Langfjordvatn | shallow (28) vs. profundal (9) | 0.006 | .105 |
wide distribution (68) vs. profundal (9) | 0.005 | .083 | |
Suohpatjávri | shallow (34) vs. wide distribution (79) | 0.003 | .014* |
shallow (18) vs. wide distribution (51) | 0.003 | .050 | |
Thun | shallow (18) vs. profundal (36) | 0.002 | .098 |
wide distribution (51) vs. profundal (36) | 0.005 | .001** | |
Walen | shallow (26) vs. wide distribution (34) | 0.006 | .005** |
(C) | By host trophic preference | ||
mix feeding (30) vs. planktivorous (38) | 0.004 | .044 | |
Brienz | mix feeding (30) vs. benthivorous (11) | 0.010 | .023* |
planktivorous (38) vs. benthivorous (11) | 0.009 | .030 | |
Langfjordvatn | benthivorous (77) vs. planktivorous (28) | 0.003 | .038* |
Suohpatjávri | benthivorous (79) vs. planktivorous (34) | 0.003 | .014* |
mix feeding (28) vs. planktivorous (40) | 0.003 | .010* | |
Thun | mix feeding (28) vs. benthivorous (37) | 0.003 | .024* |
benthivorous (37) vs. planktivorous (40) | 0.005 | .001** | |
Walen | benthivorous (26) vs. planktivorous (34) | 0.006 | .006** |
p-Values were estimated by performing 999 permutation sets and observed values were compared to a random distribution using a Monte-Carlo test. Significant values (*) indicate observed values were higher than random distribution and p-values were adjusted with Bonferroni correction when more than one comparison in a lake. The P. fallax population from the single host species in Bienne and the single-genotyped parasite specimen from C. alpinus in Thun were excluded from these comparisons, as well as the P. fallax population from the single host species in Bienne. Numbers of genotyped P. fallax specimens are indicated in parentheses.