Figure 1. Annual influenza A(H3N2) epidemics in the United States, 1997 – 2019.
(A) Weekly incidence of influenza A(H1N1) (blue), A(H3N2) (red), and B (green) averaged across 10 HHS regions (Region 1: Boston; Region 2: New York City; Region 3: Washington, DC; Region 4: Atlanta; Region 5: Chicago; Region 6: Dallas, Region 7: Kansas City; Region 8: Denver; Region 9: San Francisco; Region 10: Seattle). Incidences are the proportion of influenza-like illness (ILI) visits among all outpatient visits, multiplied by the proportion of respiratory samples testing positive for each influenza type/subtype. Time series are 95% confidence intervals of regional incidence estimates. Vertical dashed lines indicate January 1 of each year. (B) Intensity of weekly influenza A(H3N2) incidence in 10 HHS regions. White tiles indicate weeks when influenza-like-illness data or virological data were not reported. Data for Region 10 are not available in seasons prior to 2009.