Spearman’s rank correlations among indicators of A(H3N2) epidemic timing, including onset week, peak week, regional variation (s.d.) in onset and peak timing, the number of days from epidemic onset to peak incidence, and seasonal duration, indicators of A(H3N2) epidemic magnitude, including epidemic intensity (i.e. the ‘sharpness’ of the epidemic curve), transmissibility (maximum effective reproduction number, ), subtype dominance, epidemic size, and peak incidence. Correlations between the circulation of other influenza types/subtypes and A(H3N2) epidemic burden and timing are also included. The color of each circle indicates the strength and direction of the association, from dark red (strong positive correlation) to dark blue (strong negative correlation). Stars within circles indicate statistical significance (adjusted p<0.05). The Benjamini and Hochberg method was used to adjust p-values for multiple testing.