Spearman’s rank correlations between H3 epitope distance and HI log
2 titer distance at (
A) one-season lags and (
B) two-season lags. Correlation coefficients and associated
p-values are shown in the top right section of each plot. Seasonal antigenic distance is the mean distance between viruses circulating in the current season
and viruses circulating in the prior season (
– 1 year, one-season lags) or two prior seasons ago (
– 2 years, two-season lags). Seasonal distances are scaled because H3 epitope distance and HI log
2 titer distance use different units of measurement. Point labels indicate the current influenza season, and point color denotes the relative timing of influenza seasons, with earlier seasons shaded dark purple (e.g. 1997–1998) and later seasons shaded light yellow (e.g. 2018–2019). H3 epitope distance and HI log
2 titer distance at two-season lags capture expected ‘jumps’ in antigenic drift during key seasons previously associated with major antigenic transitions (
Smith et al., 2004), such as the SY97 cluster seasons (1997–1998, 1998–1999, 1999–2000), the FU02 cluster season (2003–2004), and the CA04 cluster season (2004–2005).