Figure 5.
Accumulation of dephosphorylated Smp2 inhibits cell division. (A) Overexpression of the Nem1–Spo7 complex is lethal only in the presence of Smp2. Wild-type (‘SMP2') or smp2Δ cells transformed with centromeric vectors expressing NEM1 and SPO7 under the control of the GAL1/10 promoter, or with the corresponding empty vectors, were spotted onto selective plates supplemented with glucose or galactose and grown at 30°C. (B) Cells overexpressing NEM1–SPO7 for the indicated times were analyzed for Smp2-PtA mobility shifts by Western blot using anti-PtA antibodies. (C) Wild-type or smp2Δ cells overexpressing NEM1–SPO7 or empty vectors were scored for short spindles (1–3 μm) at the indicated times by using a tubulin-GFP reporter. (D) Cell (left panels) and spindle (right panels) morphologies using a tubulin-GFP fusion of wild-type or smp2Δ strains overexpressing NEM1–SPO7 or empty vector for 21 h. The white arrow points to a typical short spindle. Bars, 5 μm.