Host, clinical, and microbiologic features of metastatic and fatal SAB. Features associated with (A) fatal SAB and (B) metastatic SAB compared to the group of patients with neither complication during index SAB episode. Volcano plot of log2 odds ratio. Horizontal dotted lines indicate P = .05 and P = .01. Features are colored based on effect size and statistical significance (P < .05): positive association (orange), negative association (blue), or no association (grey). Features labelled in red font are specific to either metastatic or fatal SAB. Abbreviations: BC, blood culture; CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; CRP, C-reactive protein; CVC, central venous catheter; DM, diabetes mellitus; qSOFA, quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score; IDU, injection drug use; IV, intravenous; MI, myocardial infarction; PWID, person who injects drugs; SAB, Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia; SSTI, skin or soft tissue infection.