Tumor pathology of the EO771 syngeneic breast cancer cells in WT and SAADKO mice. (a) Carcinoma infiltrating adipose tissue. Arrowheads show individual adipocytes (WT T60, H&E, 100×). (b) Carcinoma infiltrating skeletal muscle. Individual skeletal muscle fibers (arrowheads) can be seen surrounded by sheets of carcinoma cells, while uninvolved skeletal muscle bundles (asterisks) are visible to the right (WT T61, H&E, 100×). (c) Diffuse sheets of carcinoma cells without glandular differentiation or other specific architectural features (WT T50, H&E, 100×). (d) A single necrotic cell showing cytoplasmic hypereosinophilia and karyorrhexis of the nucleus (asterisk). Scattered mitotic figures (arrowheads) are appreciated in the background (WT T50, H&E, 400×). (e) Large eosinophilic nuclei (arrowheads) and multi-nucleic cells (asterisk) were readily present in carcinomas (WT T61, H&E, 400×). (f) Tripolar (arrowhead) atypical mitotic figure (WT T60, H&E, 400×). (g) Bizarre mitotic figure with multiple mitotic spindles (WT T60, H&E, 400×). (h) An atypical ring (arrowhead) mitotic figure (WT T61, H&E, 400×). (i) Benign breast ducts (arrowheads) within uninvolved, peritumoral adipose tissue (SAADKO T30, H&E, 100×).