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. 2024 Sep 15;14(9):823. doi: 10.3390/bs14090823

Table 5.

The results of interaction effects.

Variables Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9
sentiment_focal 0.0963 ***
0.0964 ***
0.091 ***
0.0916 ***
sentiment_comp −0.1049 ***
−0.1195 ***
−0.1425 ***
−0.1493 ***
rating_focal 0.0266 **
0.0272 **
0.0248 **
0.0254 **
rating_comp −0.0156
ORP_comp 0.0301
0.0305 *
PA_comp 0.0253 *
0.0411 ***
0.0292 **
0.0405 ***
ORU_comp 0.0738 ***
0.0733 ***
0.1006 ***
0.0972 ***
sentiment_comp×ORP_comp −0.0097
sentiment_comp×PA_comp −0.0413 **
−0.0307 *
sentiment_comp×ORU_comp −0.0993 ***
−0.0884 ***
volume 0.0262 *
0.026 *
0.0282 *
0.0279 *
promotion 0.0662 ***
0.0689 ***
0.0636 ***
0.0659 ***
brand 0.0261 *
#products 269 269 269 269
#online review 250,300 250,300 250,300 250,300
N 46,116 46,116 46,116 46,116
R-squared 0.1502 0.1551 0.163 0.1654

Note. Robust t-statistics in parentheses. * p < 0.1; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01. #products: the number of products. #online review: the number of online reviews.