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. 2024 Sep 18;13(18):2945. doi: 10.3390/foods13182945

Table 6.

In vivo effects of tilapia-derived peptide mixtures and protein hydrolysates a.

Sample Effective Dosage
(per kg Body Weight)
In Vivo Model Key Findings Reference
Collagen polypeptides (<3 kDa) prepared from tilapia skin using neutral protease and papain 500–2000 mg Mouse model of aging induced by D-galactose
  • Alleviated reduction of SOD, CAT, and GSH-Px activities in liver and kidney tissues

  • Decreased MDA levels in liver and kidney tissues

  • Decreased serum LPO

  • Suppressed the induction of protein expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in liver and kidney tissues

Tilapia gelatin hydrolysate prepared with Properase E® 100–200 mg UV-induced skin photoaging mice
  • Increased SOD, CAT, and GSH-Px activities

  • Reduced MDA level

  • Increased collagen deposition

Commercial tilapia collagen peptide powder, in combination with antioxidant supplements Collagen peptide, 1.2 g; vitamin C, 100 mg; vitamin E, 2.66 mg; astaxanthin, 2.5 mg UV-induced skin photoaging mice
  • Increased plasma SOD, GSH-Px, and CAT activities

  • Reduced serum ROS and plasma MDA levels

  • Reduced pro-inflammatory factors, IL-1α, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, and TNF-α, in serum

  • Increased Hyp and type I collagen contents

Tilapia skin collagen hydrolysate prepared with Alcalase® 0.85–1.70 g Alloxan-induced diabetic mice
  • Increased pancreatic SOD and CAT, and reduced MDA levels

  • High dose of peptides showed similar hypoglycemic activity as metformin, an anti-diabetic drug

Tilapia collagen peptide mixture TY001 20–60 g STZ-induced diabetic mice
  • Increased SOD and CAT activities of wound tissues

  • Enhanced wound healing

  • Decreased blood glucose level

  • Reduced level of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-8

  • Increased level of serum anti-inflammatory IL-10

  • Increased Hyp contents and enhanced collagen deposition

Tilapia viscera hydrolysate extract prepared with Alcalase® 150–300 mg DOCA-salt-induced hypertensive rats
  • Reduced MDA level in kidney

  • Alleviated glomerular necrosis in renal tissues

Tilapia skin collagen hydrolysate prepared with Alcalase® 250–2500 mg Mice subjected to exhaustive swimming assay
  • Increased serum SOD level

  • Alleviated fatigue


a CAT, catalase; DOCA, deoxycorticosterone acetate; GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase; Hyp, hydroxyproline; IL, interleukin; LPO, lipid peroxidation; MDA, malondialdehyde; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SOD, superoxide dismutase; STZ, streptozotocin.