Figure 1.
Phylogenetic tree based on bimABp and bimABm alleles from strains of Burkholderia pseudomallei, B. mallei, and B. humptydooensis, showing location of B. mallei ATS2021 (arrow), the causative strain in an outbreak of 4 cases, 2 of them fatal, in the United States in 2021. (12) was used to build the tree in “A la Carte” mode, and it used MUSCLE for multiple alignment, Gblocks for automatic alignment curation ( for both), PhyML-SMS ( for tree inference, and exported to the Interactive Tree Of Life (iTOL; for display and manipulation. B. pseudomallei strains were isolated in Thailand (T), Australia (A), India (I), and Papua New Guinea (P). Scale bar indicates number of substitutions per site. bimA, Burkholderia intracellular motility factor A.