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. 2024 Sep 23;9(3):174. doi: 10.3390/jfmk9030174

Table 2.

Comparisons of self-perceived physical fitness, health-related quality of life, and the impact or degree of disability due to fibromyalgia as a function of fear of falling. Correlations between the above variables and Fall Efficacy Scale-International Score.

Variables Fear of Falling (FES-I)
Yes (n = 70) No (n = 10)
Mdn (IQR) Mdn (IQR) p rho p
IFIS (Score 5–25) 12 (4) 17 (4) 0.001 * −0.572 <0.001 **
EQ-5D-5L Index 0.159 (0.291) 0.464 (0.226) <0.001 ** −0.560 <0.001 **
EQ-5D-5L VAS 49.0 (36.5) 65.0 (20.3) 0.029 −0.295 0.008
FIQ-R Function (Score 0–30) 18.7 (10.3) 8.0 (10.5) <0.001 ** 0.689 <0.001 **
FIQ-R Impact (Score 0–20) 13.0 (6.0) 3.0 (12.0) 0.003 * 0.639 <0.001 **
FIQ-R Symptoms (Score 0–50) 34.5 (10.0) 25.0 (6.3) 0.001 * 0.676 <0.001 **
FIQ-R (Score 0–100) 64.7 (23.3) 36.5 (28.5) <0.001 ** 0.731 <0.001 **

n (participants); Mdn (median); IQR (interquartile range); p (p-value from Mann–Whitney U test, Bonferroni correction p < 0.007); rho (Spearman rho); p† (p-value from Spearman rho, Bonferroni correction p < 0.007); * (p < 0.007); ** (p < 0.001); FES-I (Fall Efficacy Scale-International. 16, no concern about falling; 64, severe concern about falling); Yes (FEI-I Score ≥ 24); No (FES-I Score < 24). FIQ-R (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire Revised. From 0 to 100 indicating the lowest to highest degree of disability due to the disease); EQ-5D-5L Index (EuroQol. 1: the best state of health. 0: death. Negative values indicate conditions worse than death); EQ-5D-5L VAS (0: the worst health. 100: the best state of health).