Figure 6.
Cerebral autoregulation by NIRS. Cerebral autoregulation was assessed by NIRS on three consecutive days (a–c), starting from day of admission. The threshold of autoregulation was taken as COx of 0.3, represented by dotted lines. Threshold of autoregulation taken as COx 0.3, represented by the dotted line. The COx is a moving Pearson correlation coefficient between 30 consecutive, 10-s averaged values of MAP and the corresponding rSO2 signals. Majority of COx values were above 0.3 indicating impaired cerebral autoregulation. Abbreviations: NIRS, near-infrared spectroscopy; COx, cerebral oximetry index; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation; MAP, mean arterial pressure; rSO2, regional cerebral oxygenation.