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. 2024 Sep 9;11(9):418. doi: 10.3390/vetsci11090418

Table 6.

Serum chemistry of commercial broiler chicks among different treatment groups.

Treatment SG (g/dL) TP(g/dL) CHL (mg/dL) GLU (mmol/L) UA (mg/dL)
Lighting hours during incubation 0 h 1.48 3.01 ab 120.65 15.81 ab 2.91 b
4 h 1.19 2.50 b 111.92 12.73 b 2.25 c
8 h 1.67 2.52 b 117.75 12.68 b 2.78 b
12 h 1.79 3.17 ab 128.93 13.54 b 3.73 a
16 h 1.41 3.66 a 129.70 15.24 ab 2.81 b
20 h 1.78 2.93 b 123.95 19.34 a 2.97 b
24 h 1.65 3.04 ab 121.85 15.86 ab 2.98 b
SEM 0.06 0.10 1.83 0.62 0.10
p-value 0.0744 0.0263 0.1422 0.0429 0.0010

Superscripts on different means within column differ significantly at p ≤ 0.05; SG = serum globulin; TP = total protein; CHL = cholesterol; GLU = glucose; UA = uric acid.