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. 2024 Sep 10;24(18):5880. doi: 10.3390/s24185880

Table 2.

Supported sensors in vehicle simulators.

Simulator Camera GNSS IMU LiDAR Radar Ultras. Others
RGB Depth Segm. IR OF DVS
AirSim [13] a
AWSIM [17]
CARLA [11] b
DeepDrive [18]
LGSVL [15] c
ANSYS AVxcelerate [23]
Auto. Driving Toolbox [20] d
CarSim [25] e
CarMaker [24]
Cognata [28]
MORAI Sim Drive [29]
rFpro [27]
SCANeR Studio [21] g

✓: supports sensor; ✗: does not support sensor; —: not available; RGB: color; Segm.: segmentation; IR: infrared (thermal camera); OF: optical flow; DVS: event camera, also known as Dynamic Vision Sensor or neuromorphic camera; Ultras.: ultrasound; a barometer, magnetometer, distance sensor; b collision, lane invasion, obstacle; c lane-line sensor, lane following sensor, comfort sensor; d vision detection generator (detects objects and lanes on images captured by a camera); e traffic signs sensor (camera), moving object detector; f sonar; g lighting sensor.