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. 2024 Aug 23;9(9):190. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed9090190

Table 4.

Modern (non-PCR/non-LAMP-based) methods used for malaria detection and evidence of use in developed countries.

Modern Methods Specimen Used Description Invasive/Non-Invasive Point of Care/Molecular/Other Advantages Disadvantages Developed Countries References
Malaria SD Bioline RDT kit Urine, Saliva, Blood Using immuno-chromatography to detect PfhRP2 and PLDH following manufacturer’s instructions Non-invasive/Invasive Point of care Effective for non-invasive detection of malaria; low cost Low sensitivity [64]
Other (RDTs) Blood Immunochromatography/
according to manufacturer’s instructions
Invasive Point of care Suitable for point of care in hard-to-access areas; low cost Low sensit-ivity for some kits; poor identification of non-falciparum infections for some brands Indonesia
Computeri-zed/digital deep mach-ine learnin-g approach Blood Machine learning models are used to detect malaria parasites in blood smears. Some can be integrated into smartphone detection apps Invasive Other Accurate/
For some, results are affected by quality of smears USA, Taiwan, China, Turkey [72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81]
Spectros-copy Blood Blood samples are analyzed using spectroscopy Invasive Other Highly effective for identifying infected cell Only qualitative results obtained Thailand,
China, Australia
Portable Optical Diagnostic System
Blood Works by differential optical spectroscopy. The change in optical power before and after a magnet is applied, is monitored in order to determine β-hematin concentration in whole blood Invasive Point of care Portable; low cost;
useful for low resource settings; high sensitivity
Not widely available USA [85]
Ultra bright SERS nanorattles Blood DNA detection method that uses sandwich hybridization of magnetic bead, target sequence, and ultrabright SERS nanorattle are employed Invasive Molecular/point of care Sensitive; can be automated and added to portable devi-ces for POC diagnosis; can identify SNPs hence, discri-minate betw-een wild-type and mutant parasites Not widely available USA [86]
Automated Microscopy/Digital Analysis Blood Comprises a fluorescent dye staining or Giemsa staining and an automated microscopy platform and digital analysis Invasive Other Rapid diagn-osis and par-asite density monitoring. High sens- itivity, linear-ity, and precision Not widely available Korea, Finland, Sweden [87,88,89]
Flow cytometry Blood Parasites are detected and quantified in blood by use of analyzers utilizing flow cytometry technology Invasive Molecular Rapid and high sensiti-vity; useful for mass screening May not be able to distinguish plasmodium species Netherlands, France, USA,
South Africa,
Thin-Film Optical Filters Blood A thin film optical device is used based on optical reflectance spectrophotometry, for the parasite detection through haemozoin quantification Invasive Point of care High sensitivity High transmittance regions outside target wavelength Portugal [95]
Rotating cr- ystal magn-eto optical detection (RMOD) method Blood RMOD works by detection of the periodic modulation of light transmission. This is induced by hemozoin crystals which co-rotates with a rotating magnetic field Invasive Other Higher sensitivity and accuracy than light microscopy Sensitivity is poorer than PCR methods Thailand,
Hemozin-Based Malaria diagnostic device (GazelleTM) Blood Using magneto-optical technology, the device detects hemozoin produced by Plasmodium Invasive Other Sensitivities comparable to light micr-oscopy; faster than micros-copy; portab-le; can run on battery power Unable to distinguish between species [16]
Hemozoin-generated vapor nanobubbles Blood vessel (transdermal) Hemozoin generates a transient vapor nanobubble around hemozoin in response to a short and safe laser pulse. The acoustic signals of these nanobubbles that are malaria specific enable detection Non-invasive Point of care Non-invasive;
Not widely available USA [99]
Electroche-mical immunosensor Blood Egg yolk IgY antibodies against Plasmodium vivax lactate dehydrogenase antigen are immobilized on a gold electrode surface followed by differential pulse voltammetry and contact angle measurements are made. Invasive Point of care High Sensitivity for malaria caused by P. vivax Only malaria caused by P. vivax can be detected Brazil [100]
Simplified ELISA)/PfHRP 2 ELISA Blood Modified ElISA was performed on blood samples. Invasive Point of care High sensitivity, portable and low cost Not widely available Spain
Multiple-xed ELISA based assay Blood Multiplexed ELISA-based (either planar-based array or magnetic bead-based platforms) technologies are used for malaria detection Invasive Molecular Can detect malaria spe-cies mutants; have high throughput potential Not widely available USA [103]
Dye-Cou-pledApt-amer-Capt-ured Enzy-me-Cataly-zed assay Blood Aptamer- and enzyme-based method is used to detect malaria infection in blood. Method can be used on instrument or instrument free platform Invasive Molecular/point of care Low cost; useful for resource-limited and point-of-care settings. Not widely available [104]
Recombinase-Aided Amplificat-ion with Lateral Flow Dip-stick Assay
Blood A combination of recombinase-aided amplification lasting for 15 min at 37 degrees and lateral flow dipstick is used to detect plasmodium species in blood Invasive Molecular/point of care Highly sensitive, specific, low cost, convenient for on-site screening
and low resource settings.
Not widely available China [105]
Portable image-based Cytometer Blood P. falciparum-infected blood cells are identified and counted from Giemsa-stained smears using the image based portable cytometer. Invasive Other Simple to operate;
low cost
Not widely available Singapore [106]
Two-stage sample-to-answer sy-stem based on nucleic acid ampl-ification approach Blood It combines the dimethyl adipimidate (DMA)/thin film sample processing (DTS) technique and the Mach–Zehnder interferometer isothermal solid-phase DNA amplification (MZI-IDA)
technique to detect infection in blood
Invasive Molecular High sensitivity, rapid Not widely available Singapore,
Fluorescen-ce In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Assays Blood Detects and localizes specific malaria nucleic acid sequences by hybridizing with complementary sequences that are labeled with fluorescent probes Invasive Molecular High sensitivity Skilled expertise required. USA [108,109]
NMR-based hemozoin detection Blood Detection is based on the ability to recognize the paramagnetic susceptibility of malaria hemozoin crystals Invasive Molecular/point of care High sensitivity and rapid Not widely available Australia, Singapore, USA [110,111,112]
Multi-omics Varies Integrating data from different omic methods Invasive/non-invasive Other Comprehen-sive underst-anding of the infection Requires skilled experitise Austria