Table 4.
Modern (non-PCR/non-LAMP-based) methods used for malaria detection and evidence of use in developed countries.
Modern Methods | Specimen Used | Description | Invasive/Non-Invasive | Point of Care/Molecular/Other | Advantages | Disadvantages | Developed Countries | References |
Malaria SD Bioline RDT kit | Urine, Saliva, Blood | Using immuno-chromatography to detect PfhRP2 and PLDH following manufacturer’s instructions | Non-invasive/Invasive | Point of care | Effective for non-invasive detection of malaria; low cost | Low sensitivity | [64] | |
Other (RDTs) | Blood | Immunochromatography/ according to manufacturer’s instructions |
Invasive | Point of care | Suitable for point of care in hard-to-access areas; low cost | Low sensit-ivity for some kits; poor identification of non-falciparum infections for some brands | Indonesia Australia, USA |
[14,15,17,18,65,66,67,68,69,70,71] |
Computeri-zed/digital deep mach-ine learnin-g approach | Blood | Machine learning models are used to detect malaria parasites in blood smears. Some can be integrated into smartphone detection apps | Invasive | Other | Accurate/ reliable |
For some, results are affected by quality of smears | USA, Taiwan, China, Turkey | [72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81] |
Spectros-copy | Blood | Blood samples are analyzed using spectroscopy | Invasive | Other | Highly effective for identifying infected cell | Only qualitative results obtained | Thailand, China, Australia |
[82,83,84] |
Portable Optical Diagnostic System (PODS) |
Blood | Works by differential optical spectroscopy. The change in optical power before and after a magnet is applied, is monitored in order to determine β-hematin concentration in whole blood | Invasive | Point of care | Portable; low cost; useful for low resource settings; high sensitivity |
Not widely available | USA | [85] |
Ultra bright SERS nanorattles | Blood | DNA detection method that uses sandwich hybridization of magnetic bead, target sequence, and ultrabright SERS nanorattle are employed | Invasive | Molecular/point of care | Sensitive; can be automated and added to portable devi-ces for POC diagnosis; can identify SNPs hence, discri-minate betw-een wild-type and mutant parasites | Not widely available | USA | [86] |
Automated Microscopy/Digital Analysis | Blood | Comprises a fluorescent dye staining or Giemsa staining and an automated microscopy platform and digital analysis | Invasive | Other | Rapid diagn-osis and par-asite density monitoring. High sens- itivity, linear-ity, and precision | Not widely available | Korea, Finland, Sweden | [87,88,89] |
Flow cytometry | Blood | Parasites are detected and quantified in blood by use of analyzers utilizing flow cytometry technology | Invasive | Molecular | Rapid and high sensiti-vity; useful for mass screening | May not be able to distinguish plasmodium species | Netherlands, France, USA, South Africa, Japan |
[90,91,92,93,94] |
Thin-Film Optical Filters | Blood | A thin film optical device is used based on optical reflectance spectrophotometry, for the parasite detection through haemozoin quantification | Invasive | Point of care | High sensitivity | High transmittance regions outside target wavelength | Portugal | [95] |
Rotating cr- ystal magn-eto optical detection (RMOD) method | Blood | RMOD works by detection of the periodic modulation of light transmission. This is induced by hemozoin crystals which co-rotates with a rotating magnetic field | Invasive | Other | Higher sensitivity and accuracy than light microscopy | Sensitivity is poorer than PCR methods | Thailand, Hungary |
[96,97,98] |
Hemozin-Based Malaria diagnostic device (GazelleTM) | Blood | Using magneto-optical technology, the device detects hemozoin produced by Plasmodium | Invasive | Other | Sensitivities comparable to light micr-oscopy; faster than micros-copy; portab-le; can run on battery power | Unable to distinguish between species | [16] | |
Hemozoin-generated vapor nanobubbles | Blood vessel (transdermal) | Hemozoin generates a transient vapor nanobubble around hemozoin in response to a short and safe laser pulse. The acoustic signals of these nanobubbles that are malaria specific enable detection | Non-invasive | Point of care | Non-invasive; rapid |
Not widely available | USA | [99] |
Electroche-mical immunosensor | Blood | Egg yolk IgY antibodies against Plasmodium vivax lactate dehydrogenase antigen are immobilized on a gold electrode surface followed by differential pulse voltammetry and contact angle measurements are made. | Invasive | Point of care | High Sensitivity for malaria caused by P. vivax | Only malaria caused by P. vivax can be detected | Brazil | [100] |
Simplified ELISA)/PfHRP 2 ELISA | Blood | Modified ElISA was performed on blood samples. | Invasive | Point of care | High sensitivity, portable and low cost | Not widely available | Spain UK Denmark |
[101,102] |
Multiple-xed ELISA based assay | Blood | Multiplexed ELISA-based (either planar-based array or magnetic bead-based platforms) technologies are used for malaria detection | Invasive | Molecular | Can detect malaria spe-cies mutants; have high throughput potential | Not widely available | USA | [103] |
Dye-Cou-pledApt-amer-Capt-ured Enzy-me-Cataly-zed assay | Blood | Aptamer- and enzyme-based method is used to detect malaria infection in blood. Method can be used on instrument or instrument free platform | Invasive | Molecular/point of care | Low cost; useful for resource-limited and point-of-care settings. | Not widely available | [104] | |
Recombinase-Aided Amplificat-ion with Lateral Flow Dip-stick Assay (RAA-LFD) |
Blood | A combination of recombinase-aided amplification lasting for 15 min at 37 degrees and lateral flow dipstick is used to detect plasmodium species in blood | Invasive | Molecular/point of care | Highly sensitive, specific, low cost, convenient for on-site screening and low resource settings. |
Not widely available | China | [105] |
Portable image-based Cytometer | Blood | P. falciparum-infected blood cells are identified and counted from Giemsa-stained smears using the image based portable cytometer. | Invasive | Other | Simple to operate; low cost |
Not widely available | Singapore | [106] |
Two-stage sample-to-answer sy-stem based on nucleic acid ampl-ification approach | Blood | It combines the dimethyl adipimidate (DMA)/thin film sample processing (DTS) technique and the Mach–Zehnder interferometer isothermal solid-phase DNA amplification (MZI-IDA) technique to detect infection in blood |
Invasive | Molecular | High sensitivity, rapid | Not widely available | Singapore, Korea |
[107] |
Fluorescen-ce In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Assays | Blood | Detects and localizes specific malaria nucleic acid sequences by hybridizing with complementary sequences that are labeled with fluorescent probes | Invasive | Molecular | High sensitivity | Skilled expertise required. | USA | [108,109] |
NMR-based hemozoin detection | Blood | Detection is based on the ability to recognize the paramagnetic susceptibility of malaria hemozoin crystals | Invasive | Molecular/point of care | High sensitivity and rapid | Not widely available | Australia, Singapore, USA | [110,111,112] |
Multi-omics | Varies | Integrating data from different omic methods | Invasive/non-invasive | Other | Comprehen-sive underst-anding of the infection | Requires skilled experitise | Austria USA Columbia |
[113,114,115,116] |