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. 2024 Sep 27;14:22110. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-73449-x

Table 1.

Parameters in Biot’s model.

Parameter Unit Definition Note
a m Pore size diameter
B a Pa (Air) Bulk modulus
B f Pa (Fluid) Inline graphic
B g Pa (Grain)
B sk Pa (Skeleton) Inline graphic
B w Pa (Water)
E Pa Young’s modulus
f s− 1 Resonant frequency
g m/s2 Gravitational acceleration
G sk Pa Shear modulus Inline graphic
k m/s Permeability
K m2 Absolute hydraulic conductivity Inline graphic
n Porosity
S Degree of saturation
T Visco-dynamic operator Inline graphic, Inline graphic and Inline graphic are Bessel functions
α Tortuosity Inline graphic
ρ g kg/m3 (Grain) Mass density
ρ w kg/m3 (Water)
ρ f kg/m3 (Fluid) Inline graphic
ρ mix kg/m3 (Mixture) Inline graphic
η Pa·s Dynamic viscosity
ζ Dimensionless factor Inline graphic
ν Poisson’s ratio
ω s− 1 Angular frequency Inline graphic