Photomicrographs of Aorta (a), heart (b), liver (c) and kidney (d) (HE, 200×) and the effect of different treatments on media length (e). Aorta: I = intima, M = media, A = adventice; Heart: No = nucleus, Fm = muscular fiber, IL = leukocyte infiltration; Liver: Vcl = centrilobular Vein, He = hepatocyte, IL = leukocyte infiltration; kidneys: G = glomerulus, Gse = glomerulosclerosis, EU = urinary space. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, n = 6; cP < 0.001: compared to the control; γP < 0.001: compared to CdCl2; CdCl2 = cadmium chloride; X.s = X. stuhlmannii; Amlo = amlodipine.