Fig. 4.
Evidence for recombination between homoeologous chromosomes in some genotypes of bread wheat. a and b show examples of putative inter-homoeologue recombination events. The heatmap shows coverage of normalised exome capture reads mapped against CS. Values are calculated in 500 kb bins. b An example used for PCR verification. Location of primers is indicated and shown in more detail in panel c. c Scheme of primers designed to confirm inter-homoeologue translocation/duplication by PCR across the translocation breakpoint. The breakpoint lies within the homoeologous genes TraesCS2A03G0137200 and TraesCS2D03G0136400. d 1.2% Agarose gel loaded PCR products. There is a PCR product of the expected size for the primer combinations AF-AR and DF-DR in CS. The DF-DR product is absent in TRI 2416, and there is amplification for AF-DR. e Schematic model of reciprocal translocations between homoeologues. Translocation is shown with the example of chromosomes 1A and 1B. After recombination, meiosis leads to the segregation of homoeologous chromosomes, in which two gametes contain unbalanced chromosomal content